Front Sight Training Institute


Has anybody attended a course with them? I am going to a submachine course for one day in November.

Bling Bling
The instruction is legitimate and top notch, but be prepared to hear Dr. Piazza's sales pitch afterward.

Special Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity for GOA members & Supporters!

Sign Up Today By Clicking Here!

Front Sight Firearms Training Institute in Las Vegas, Nevada, one of the most prestigious and most effective schools in the world (see endorsements at
bottom) has made a spectacular offer to help Gun Owners of America lead the country in the battle to save your gun rights.

Now, when you purchase a life membership in Gun Owners for only $500, you will receive five hundred dollars ($500) in world class training at Front Sight
Firearms Training Institute in Las Vegas, Nevada! That's right! This is not a typographical error.

You receive three days of unbelievable training at levels exceeding that of law enforcement and the military (without the boot camp mentality) all FREE
OF CHARGE when you purchase a life membership in GOA!

How can Front Sight afford to do this? Or better yet, why are they doing this? Quite simply, because they recognize that our right to keep and bear arms
has never been in greater peril and they see Gun Owners of America as the organization with "The Right Stuff" to save our gun rights.

When you purchase your GOA life membership, you will receive a special Front Sight/GOA certificate that will allow you to attend Front Sight's two-day
defensive handgun course or two-day tactical shotgun course, or two-day practical rifle course PLUS their world famous one-day submachine gun course
where they provide the Uzi submachine gun, ammunition, food and beverages!

This amazing, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has never been available to any other pro-gun organization. For the
first time ever, you will receive a $500 gift of world class training. Training that lasts a lifetime! Realize that once Front Sight trains you to a level that
exceeds that of law enforcement and the military, you have that training forever, plus a lifetime membership in GOA-- all for only $500.

And your $500 life membership will help to build GOA's financial war chest so we will be able to increase our efforts to fight and win the battles that will
ensure that America's Second Amendment gun rights will no longer be compromised. We must fight now to preserve the gun rights of our children and
their children's children. So buy your lifetime membership in GOA today and enjoy the never-before offered benefit of Front Sight Firearms Training

In addition to getting our newsletter, The Gun Owners, special reports, legislative action updates and all the other regular benefits of membership-- like
GOA's travel program that provides 50% off at more than 4000 hotels, discounts on condo rentals, and roadside emergency services at fleet discount
prices-- Life Members will also receive a certificate, suitable for framing, identifying you as a GOA Life Member, a unique lapel pin, and a wallet card that
only Life Members and Senior Staff at GOA are allowed to carry.

If you truly believe in the right to keep and bear arms, you have lots of reasons to take advantage of this special offer today. I cannot tell you how long Front
Sight will hold their amazing offer of a FREE 3-day top-flight firearms training course, so act now!

To take advantage of this incredible offer, click Here and start your Life Membership using our secure server.

Once you have purchased your GOA life membership, it is easy to take advantage of the Front Sight offer. You can attend all three days of training on any
of the following dates: September 15-17, October 6-8, November 10-12, December 8-10. Or, redeem your certificate for training at any time in the future
because there is no expiration date on the special Front Sight/GOA training certificate.

For more information on Front Sight's courses and Las Vegas location visit their website at or call them at 1-800-987-7719.

What Those Who Know are Saying About Front Sight's Courses

"Front Sight is the future in firearms training. From the novice civilian to the veteran soldier or law enforcement officer, all will gain invaluable
knowledge by attending their courses."
Eric Ryden, Police Officer

"As a 14-year veteran of the US Army Special Forces, I have never been to a better school on the use of handguns. It was so great to learn from
instructors who are not only good teachers, but who can also perform the tasks on demand. One of the things that impressed me most was how
well rounded the class was. We were taught safe gun handling, marksmanship skills, legal and moral aspects of owning and using firearms, and
what needs to be done to preserve our firearm freedoms. We were taught what every firearm owner or user should know, not only for defense, but
also for hunting, competition, plinking, and fun. The lectures on what to do if you should ever have to use a firearm for defense are the best I
have ever taken, seen, or read about. They alone are worth the price of the course. I cannot recommend Front Sight enough."
SSG, Dale R. Mohr

"To get to the National Team for International Skeet Shooting, I had some of the best coaches in the world. These coaches included former
Olympic Gold Medal winners and their coaches. Front Sight's staff are among the best instructors I have ever had the pleasure of working with."
Bobbi Bowen, Computer Engineer

"After 15 years as an FFL licensee, I was amazed at what I did not know. I thought I was a safe gun owner and a fair shot. Front sight showed me I
had a lot to learn and in the last four days I have learned a lot! If you own a gun and want to be competent as well as safe, you need to attend
Front Sight!"
Mich Steinmetz, Mortgage Broker

"I came to the handgun course a complete novice. I had fired a pistol before, but relied on my husband to do all the set up before shooting and
securing it afterward. I learned not only how to do both of these things, but now feel confident in firing and handling my pistol. This class was a
challenge, but was extremely fun and exhilarating. Thank you Front Sight."
Becky Hyde, Housewife

"Hard to find the right words. If you are a gun owner, the submachine gun course must be experienced to be believed! It's like no other shooting
experience a civilian can imagine."
John Toomey, Satellite Orbital Analyst

"Come here and find out for yourself what a great organization Front Sight is."
John M. Capps, Major, USMC


"[Even if there would be] few tears shed if and when the Second Amendment is held to guarantee nothing more than the state National Guard, this would simply show that the Founders were right when they feared that some future generation might wish to abandon liberties that they considered essential, and so sought to protect those liberties in a Bill of Rights. We may tolerate the abridgement of property rights and the elimination of a right to bear arms; but we should not pretend that these are not reductions of rights." -- Justice Scalia 1998