Front Sight 4 Day Defensive Handgun Crs.


New member
Just finished Front Sight's 4 day defensive handgun course. It was first rate in all respects...600 rounds in four days, with 1 hour lectures, morning and afternoon, on strategy, tactics, ethical, moral, and legal ramifications regarding the use of lethal force in defending self and family on the street and in the home. In forty years of airline level training, (syllabus, good stand up briefings, simulators, post training de-brief sessions, superb professional instructors etc) I've never had better training....

I used a Glock 9 mm (rental - and the first time I've shot a Glock [it's ok but I still prefer a 1911]) for the training, shot distinguished, won the man to man steel challenge event and had never done any speed defensive training before. To say I'm satisfied with Front Sight is an understatement. Looking forward to taking my wife and daughter-in-law, (her husband's in Afghanistan) out next year.

Look into it if you're looking for some great training...they often run specials on the courses...ours was no$..t $89 for four days!!!


Congrats! I took the same course a few months back but just missed distinguished by a few points... Also won the steel challenge :D

FS is a great jumping off point to get you started in weapons training. I've had numerous instructors all say that when it comes to the basics, FS does it best or darn near it. I wish they would update their curriculum a bit to include modern advancements in stance and grip, but there is certainly nothing wrong with the way they teach it.

Glad to hear you had a good time! If only they would let you use one of those $89 deals for more than one course...
Rodfac, Did you notice what firearm the instructors carried? Most popular. Congrats on the instruction. A friend of mine also attended FS and loved it.
Two of the three that worked with our group of 40 shooters were using Glock 17's. The third guy carried a 1911, but I didn't see the had some custom features that make me think it was a Colt clone of some sort...a .45 ACP. Rod
Thanks for the informative post. I have been giving serious consideration to attending a course at Front Sight since a friend of mine attended and also gave it a very high rating. As a former Airline Pilot, Flight Instructor, and Firearms Instructor, I feel that one can never receive too much instruction. As the saying goes, the more I learn, the more I realize I don't know. So I strive to learn as much as I possibly can whenever I can.
45 gunner...we have the same career back's the end of course critique that I sent: the instructors (all of them) were the best I've dealt with over the years...military or airline...and standardized...they all sang from the same hymnal...they must have a superb instructor training module.

Course Date:* April 4, 1011
Range Master: Pat Walker
Range #11

April 13, 2011

PROFESSIONALISM AND FRIENDLIENESS: These are great instructors...I have nothing but good things to say of them.

*** PAT WALKER - 10:*** Ms. Walker is one first rate instructor. Her command of the subject material, her standardized method of instruction and her patient but strong control of the range and it's 45 occupants was superb. Pat has the ability to establish and maintain a safe environment on the range without an "in your face....bootcamp" attitude, a very difficult job in my opinion. She and her fellow instructors brought our group of 40+shooters (with widely varying shooting backrounds), to a level of competency I'd never have guessed. She has a thorough, expert knowledge of the handgun's use in defense...and not just the rental Glock's...she covered differences between the 1911's, Sigs, Smiths, and H&K's. It was a pleasure to work with her...I managed to shoot Distinguished, and also won the man to man steel event without previous competitive handgun shooting experience. Pat and her cadre of instructors are directly responsible for my success. They left me confident in my abilities, aware of the areas where I need improvement, and very thankful for Pat Walker's excellent instruction.

*** JEFF TUCKER - 10:* *** Here's another superb instructor. Jeff's "on the line" experience is evident in his attitude towards his students. Friendly, persuasive in his deliveries, he helped me numerous times as I fought the large grip on my rental Glock. From the first day, he brought his enthusiasm for this type of shooting to all of us. He always had time for questions, would be there in an instant for help, and kept his patience when it was obviously the 55th time he'd answered the same question. His attention to the detail necessary in this type of instruction was superb. He knows the guns...the procedures...the mental attitudes... He's a credit to your organization and in my opinion, ready for additional responsibility...I don't know how you pick your range masters, but Jeff Tucker would be a great choice.

*** PHIL MOLDONADO - 10:** A great instructor, ready with an answer whenever needed. He's pro-active in teaching the methods espoused by Front Sight, thoroughly knowledgeable of the techniques and procedures that make up defensive handgun mastery. Patient, but firmly in control of the safety issues that are relevant* on a firing line of 40 diverse individuals, his friendly attitude towards instruction made my Front Sight training a joy. Phil, like Jeff Tucker, is more than ready for additional responsibilities.

As an airline and former military pilot, I've received literally hundreds of hours of very technical instruction over the past 45 years. In that time, I have never had better training. Your stand-up briefers in the lecture format are absolutely superb...even when tired, I perked right up when they began their presentations. You've recruited some very talented people..Sorry to say I didn't copy down their names at the time but all were fantastic. I came away from Front Sight with a good ability with a handgun, but even more important, with a far better understanding of the moral, ethical, and practical limitations of its use to defend my family. As you may or may not know, STANDARDIZATION, is one very important key to flying safety...if all are trained to the same standard, as a pilot you know you can depend on a certain response in case of an abnormal situation. ...That said, I found that the three instructors we had on range 11, Pat Walker, Jeff Tucker, and Phil Moldonado were identical in their individual knowledge and demonstration of the techniques...this is no small feat, and a tribute to your instructor training program...whatever you are doing with your instructor's working...they're obviously happy in their work, superbly trained to impart quality instruction, and enthusiastic in their delivery. I'm truly impressed!


*** Ranges...first rate...but louder bull horns would have made range commands easier to hear...a safety issue, in my opinion.
*** Equipment:..rental Glock 17 and ammunition were good, but a red gun for practice should be a part of the issued equipment...
*** Water, shade, etc...all good especially the covered venue at the range...would have been a god-send in the event of rain...


*** Time:* I found the breaks between range activities a bit short...loading magazines while serving as a safety observer/coach on the line was a practical necessity for me and most people around me. Allowing a minute or two for mag. loading (and not while watching another shooter manipulating his piece) would be a safety improvement.

*** Time: Additional time spent with malfunctions might be productive. Not a lot, but an additional 10-15 minutes for each type would help. For the rental gun users, who can't practice at the hotel at night, this would help cement the procedures.


*** Published Course notes and the pictorial guides should be a part of the issue equipment...add to the price of the course if necessary to make this happen. In the evening, when trying to remember the exact procedural steps (as well as at home a month later) this will add to the quality of the training. Charging $40 for them in the pro-shop detracts from the overall professional impression that Front Sight imparts. This is my one criticism of the entire training experience...

I was delighted with my training at Front Sight...have recommended it to every shooter I've met since returning. I'm in the process of selling my wife on attending a 4 day course next year and would love to take my two sons (aged 33 and 38) as well. Your training was extremely thorough, the instructors, unsurpassed, and, of no small import, it was FUN. I wish you further success and look forward to attending again.* Overall I'd rate my experience a 9.9.

Best Regards
I took the same course at Front Sight a few years ago. I'd go back but for me it's too expensive.

I thought it was a great course. Unfortunately I didn't make the distinguished graduate grade, partly because I'm cross-dominant (no matter how I address that situation, it's still awkward and I don't quite get the result I want).

But I want to go back and take the course again, this time earn that DG!
Free gun offer?

I was looking at their web page and came accross this:

How legitimate is this? Given all the things listed I am of course interested and wouldnt mind paying to get all that stuff plus attend a course. It just screams scam to me though. Any thoughts?
Took the same course at the end of March. Great instructors and I learned a lot. Used an cd 9 with no problems at all. I would like to go to another class in the future
C.L. said:
How legitimate is this? Given all the things listed I am of course interested and wouldnt mind paying to get all that stuff plus attend a course. It just screams scam to me though. Any thoughts?

I have heard nothing but good things about it from people on this board. Be prepared, though, to be bombarded with emails once you inquire about it. I get at least 2 a day from them.
My wife and I attended Front Sight's 4 day handgun course during the first week of April. The course was comprehensive and professional. We were impressed! But it was expensive to travel to Nevada.
I can deal with emails if Im gonna get a deal like that.

I had to unsubscribe because my phone was email ringing at 3 in the AM :mad:

That said my friend got a membership for like 99 buck or maybe 199. I'll ask him next time we shoot. He is signed up for their shotty course next. Point is maybe the gun offer is still to expensive when they are offering for less than 200. Buy your own gun and pocket that savings.
C.L. said:
How legitimate is this? Given all the things listed I am of course interested and wouldnt mind paying to get all that stuff plus attend a course. It just screams scam to me though. Any thoughts?

I have heard nothing but positive things from a repeat Front Sight customer who flies out to Nevada from the east to take their classes. But I have to admit that their website just screams "Nigerian Scam" to me.

It's good to hear those positive comments backed up on this site.
We attended one class. We did not join for a variety of reasons, mainly because of the distance. If you do a search you'll find some problems in the past, and a couple of possibly unfounded allegations. It's hard to tell what is true. I can say that I have a friend who is a lifetime member. He is very happy with his membership. He has already attended 4 courses I believe that's the number.