Front pocket carry the best?

I've been carrying for awhile now and I carry either my Colt mustang pocketlite with 6+1 of 380 or my Bulgarian Makarov in 9x18 8+1. If it's winter and I'm wearing a jacket or my pants are baggier I'll carry a backup mag. I carry front pocket only because I feel it's the quickest and most naturally accessible. Since most self defense scenarios are going to take place closer than 5 feet if not less and most attackers aren't going to reveal their hostile intentions until a moments notice front pocket seems like the best option. Having a hand on your gun in your front pocket isn't going to set off any alarm bells to an attacker and drawing it is smooth and natural. I've never had to draw although I've had two encounters where I have had my hand ready and taken off the safety. I was wondering if any one had any thoughts or convincing arguments otherwise?
That is the way I carry 99% of the time.
However, if, by chance, you happen to have a deep personal attachment to your privates, I would make certain that the gun is out of the pocket BEFORE thumbing off the safety. That sort of UD you can do without.
The best way to carry is the way that you are most comfortable with. I carry different weapons at different time in different ways. My preferred is to carry my XDS 45 in my front strong side pocket and a spare mag in a rear pocket or left leg pocket if wearing cargos. Many people don't like or recommend pocket carry which is fine for them. For me I like it. I sometimes carry IIWB at 4 O'clock, sometimes.
My most common means of carry is an IWB holster at 3:30 or 4:00. I also have a pocket pistol and pocket carry when I need to, but presentation of the pistol is not as quick for me. The ability to discretely have a grip on a pocket pistol is an advantage that some folks don't recognize, and at least partially compensates for the slower draw.
When I'm not wearing one of my photographer's vests, I'm in relaxed fit jeans and carry my 9mm Shield in the right front pocket in a padded case that semi-conceals the shape of it. It is easily accessible and no one pays any attention if I slide my hand into my pocket, leaving my thumb hooked over the outside. That puts my hand in a perfect position to draw if needed. Not as fast as getting it out of a holster but I like to stay completely concealed and won't wear sloppy over-sized clothes to accomplish that. It's comfortable standing or sitting and only when driving is it difficult to get to, but I have another in the pickup so that's irrelevant.
I also carry a spare mag in the left front pocket with my keys.
I have tried several IWB holsters and they are not comfortable for my body style. My photographer's vests are ideal. I can easily carry in the side pockets, either side, or preferably in the left inside pocket which is very roomy.
To answer your original question, if you don't wear a jacket or vest that your sidearm will fit well in then, in my opinion, the front pocket is best as long as you have a pocket holster to slide it into and carry nothing else in that pocket. You also need to keep it clean. Surprising how much lint will collect inside you gun in your pocket.
I like to stay completely concealed and won't wear sloppy over-sized clothes to accomplish that.

Without being argumentative, that is a false dichotomy. One can dress neatly and professionally and carry IWB. I do it all the time; one just needs the right sort of cover garments.

Glad your carry methods are working out to your satisfaction.
Without being argumentative, that is a false dichotomy. One can dress neatly and professionally and carry IWB. I do it all the time; one just needs the right sort of cover garments.

I agree. I do not wear "sloppy" or oversized clothes to carry AIWB and I am very careful to keep my concealed weapon concealed. With a good tuckable holster I can wear whatever is appropriate for any occasion that requires clothing.:eek:
Since major cancer surgery, I wear loose-fit coveralls. A 642CT doesn't print.

I have a "pet" jacket for winter wear. The side pockets are great for carrying that revolver. It's common for an Olde Phart to try to keep his hands warm, right? :)
To ME (and me only) it makes sense to carry a gun in the same place, every time. If the SHTF, I don't want to have to think where my gun is and I don't want to have seconds to react and reach in the wrong place. People worry about how quickly they can draw a gun and place accurate shots on the target but need to consider the idea of not remembering where you decided to carry your gun today as opposed to yesterday or where you have it in the house as opposed to where you carry it in public. Or where you have it if you are at work as opposed to where you carry it when you are not at work. Where you have it when you are wearing shorts as opposed to where you carry it when you are in a suit. WHere you carry in the summer as opposed to winter...............I don't know about you but after I get dressed, I don't really think about the fact that I am carrying a gun any more than I constantly think about my car keys.

I don't carry all the time; for example, I don't carry at work. Since I was old enough to worry about such things, I have carried the same thing, in the same pocket every day. I have carried my keys, my change, and my pocket knife in my strong side front pocket. My money, spare set of my left front pocket. Without thinking, as I walk up to my vehicle I reach in my front pocket for my keys etc. This is an automatic reflex for me. Therefore I am not going to start carrying a gun there. I have thought about it and actually tried it a couple times and I don't think it is a good idea FOR ME. YMMV.

I am a creature of habit obviously and I try not to vary things like this so that I am never looking for something; it is always in the same place. I work as a paramedic and even there I have two things on my belt the same place every day. If things get wild and hectic and I need one of those tools, I know exactly where they are. It would be easier for me to clip a radio onto my belt on the right side of my pants, but I never do that because on the right side just behind my hip is where I carry a gun and I never carry anything else in that spot. If I ever need to reach for a gun, that is where it is........every time. If I can't carry a gun there for some reason, I don't carry a gun.

EDIT: this same rationale is the reason I also only carry guns that operate in exactly the same way. I went with Glock. I have the full sized 17, the 26, and the 43. They are different sized guns, but all operate exactly the same way. I have the same brand and model of nite sights on all of them so the sight picture always looks the same. I have the same trigger in all of them so the trigger pull is always very similar. And for these guns I have exactly the same model holster................................
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here in Florida, I often find pocket carry works well. J Frame Smith, .38 Special, is my favorite. Pocket leather by Sam Andrews. Two speed strips in a leather pouch in the other front pocket.
I carry an S&W Model 637 Airweight .38 snub in a DeSantis pocket holster in my right front pocket. When I draw it, my finger never goes into the trigger guard until the gun is out of my pocket! I don't carry extra ammo for it on my person but I do carry a Ruger LCP .380 in a cell phone like case on my left hip. That way I can draw a gun with either hand. Also I can draw the LCP while seated and belted in my vehicle. And in the unlikely case that one malfunctions, the other is still available.
Front pocket carry the best?
To me, I think its one of the worst. Too slow, and too many things to go wrong. Not to mention, it severely limits your choice of gun.

You mentioned having your hand in your pocket with someone at 5'. Thats a step away, and your hand and gun, are easily trapped in that pocket in a heartbeat, stopping your draw, and now giving your opponent control of you and your gun.

How do you handle drawing when startled, when your hand isnt in the pocket? How about drawing while moving, drawing from a seated or odd position, etc.? Can you access the gun easily while grappling or struggling with someone? Id suggest trying all of the above with a friend and see how well you make out. Id also suggest trying things out at one of the local matches and see how things go. The more realistic you can get, the better.
In my opinion you need to be able to draw with your opposite hand as well. I think this is impossible with front pocket carry for most people.
How quickly can you draw when your hand is not in your pocket from different positions?

How well can you handle that pocket sized handgun in realistic conditions--such as training to draw while moving and to put several rounds into a target quickly?

What's the capacity?

No, pocket carry is not best for me.

And yes, same gun, carried the same way, most of the time.
For practicality, front pocket works best for me too. Living in South Florida, there is very little need for a jacket and wearing anything like a vest screams "I'm packing!". It does limit choices for carry and is a little slower to draw from (unless you have huge pockets), but you have little to no chance of accidentally flashing your weapon. I carry a Kahr PM9 in a Desantis Superfly.

Be sure to practice drawing from the pocket. If the pocket holster starts losing its tackiness, the holster can come out with the gun on the draw. clean the holster and rough it up with a wire brush to bring back the tackiness. Be sure to pull towards your back to catch the little flap and free the gun. I've practice quite a few times where the holster came out with the gun.
It does limit choices for carry and is a little slower to draw from (unless you have huge pockets), but you have little to no chance of accidentally flashing your weapon
Try it in a good defensive pistol training course such as Combat Focus Shooting and see if it really meets your needs and priorities.

In a real attack, "a little slower" could be critical.

I carry OWB, and I still have concerns about action time in an ambush.
I find that I can draw my LCP from my front pocket faster than anything off my hip if I have my hand in my pocket already.

That is a huge advantage to pocket carry to me; you can discreetly place your hand on your firearm and be prepared to draw very fast. At least that's how it works for me.
I've had two encounters where I have had my hand ready and taken off the safety. I was wondering if any one had any thoughts or convincing arguments otherwise?

I carry a Mustang in my front pocket sometimes. That safety not coming off till pistol is clear of pocket and pointing at what I want to shoot. Not going to flip off in pocket and accidently pull trigger in pocket . Might get knee or other important parts . :eek:

I had to draw 3 times since early 1980's You live in a combat zone 2 times you been ready to draw?
I find that I can draw my LCP from my front pocket faster than anything off my hip if I have my hand in my pocket already.

That is a huge advantage to pocket carry to me; you can discreetly place your hand on your firearm and be prepared to draw very fast. At least that's how it works for me.
That is an advantage of pocket carry.

How often do you think you sill have sufficient indication of trouble to put your hand into your pocket in the event of an ambush?

If you are walking toward some suspicious looking individuals and cannot alter your course, that advantage can be important. Under most other circumstances, it is unlikely that putting your hand into you pocket would be anything but time consuming.