from today's Cato Daily Dispatch


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Government's ever expanding powers under Patriot Act

The above headline from today's Cato Daily Dispatch (

I cannot to strongly urge viewers to read the material following, go to the Cato site, Having done so that, you all really need to get on to your elected things, Congress persons and Senators, to demand that they oppose what some are trying to push through, in a great damned hurry, something directly out of Kafka, if not worse.

I urge that readers contact their elected things now, for later might well prove to be to late.

Thanks for the repair job.

On another matter, we had had an exchange of posts regarding asset forteiture, or as I refered to it, THEFT UNDER COLOR OF LAW, as practiced currently. I had mentioned the complete failure of cooperation on the part of the law abiding as a possibly end result, by which I ment that the people came to be afflicted with accute casses of "I cannot make a reliable identificadtion", "I must have been looking the other way", I simply do not remember", that sort of thing, and then there was the possibility of juries rendering not guilty verdicts, en mass.

Concerning the other day's USSC ruling on marijuana grown for personal use, when prescribed by an MD, a case directly involving a couple of women in California, who were specifically involved. What might The Feds do if these women or similar others were busted, and trial juries simply returned not guilty verdicts, notwithstanding such instructions as trial judges might offer. Call it jury nulification, or whatever one might like, that is of lesser importance, compared to what juries could actually do.

I wonder what, if anything other than stamping their feet, when faced with such a result, The Feds might then do. Could be interestiung to see. I believe it is interesting to think on.