From local newsrag -- please help!

cornered rat


This crap appeared in today's paper. I am going to try to write a 3-4 paragraph rebuttal (maybe send in a 2-paragraph one and have the GF send inthe other half, so they could go under letters to the editor) but...can you folks make your opinions known, too.

We, Minnesotans, could use help, with CCW reform still trying to get through against nast odds.

Thanks, folks.

PS: Strategies on getting published, anyone?

If you believe in freedom and means of protecting might be a gun nut.
To get published quote modern sources, not just the Second Amendment and Founding Fathers. Nobody can really, honestly argue against the Second Amendment, so a liberal rag like that won't even try. Quote Lott, point out that he's a card-carrying liberal who hoped to prove that more guns would lead to chaos and bloodshed, but the FACTS stunned him. Point out that many crimes go unreported, as do almost all defensive uses of guns where nobody is shot. Quote anyone else you can who is a doctor, Phd, et. al. Most people actually believe that just because you've got initials before or after your name you're smarter than they are.

Go to the <a href="">FBI Statistics</a> page and put your own slant on the stats. You may wish to point out (your letter is getting long by now, which will reduce its chances) that these stats given to the FBI by the cities and states who want to show they have reduced crime, and crimes have been known to "disappear" from the record in several cities (one was on a news show last week - help me out here guys!)

Finally, use the logic from your (fine, by the way) website.

[This message has been edited by Morgan (edited 01-27-99).]
I poked around that site and there is a discussion board debating gun control. Someone already pointed out that FBI crime stats are suspect in light of cities (Philadelphi, New Orleans) reporting manufactured and basically false stats.

Philadelphia was caught on this last year, having reported a number of rapes as assaults; robberies as burglaries, etc.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Also, I did my post-doc at U of Minn and I vaguely recall the author's (Matt Little) name.

He signs himself as a long time "Civil Rights Activist"....check into his other causes. Bet you will find a socialist agenda, and that won't hurt to bring up.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Others on this forum are much more learned than I in this subject. However, I do note Little's illogic:

'what Minnesota law enforcement leaders have long told us: More concealed handguns on the street will not make us any safer.' - I don't recall the name of the group, but I know there is an LEO group that supports and recognizes the value of guns in the hands of responsible civilians. And, from what I have seen, the LEO leadership often holds views on this subject that are contrary to LEO's in general (comments, LEO's?).

'If the proposal passed, you would never know -- when you or your children walk into ... your local restaurant or shopping mall -- how many people were carrying loaded, concealed handguns.' - point out that that is the case now. Do your residents really believe no one carries a concealed weapon under current law? Of course not - the BG's carry 'em - the law doesn't matter to them. I feel safest around LEO's and gun shops - I'm surrounded by armed, generally honest types of folks.

'The Center to Prevent Handgun Violence has analyzed the latest crime statistics and found that the crime rate has been dropping more than twice as fast in states with strong permit-to-carry laws like Minnesota than in states with laws that make it easy to carry a concealed handgun.' - obviously the CPHV is hardly an independent source for such research. They are the education, legal advocacy, and research affiliate of Handgun Control, Inc. Note how they no longer try to argue that states without CCW have lower crime - now they are reduced to trying to argue that 'strong' permit-to-carry laws are best. Perhaps Lott has some arguments on point to oppose this analysis directly - this is obviously a major point for Little - supposedly we have new stat's to refute Lott's arguments, and I doubt that is the case (the data sounds a little thin).

'...urge rejection of NRA-backed bills to put more guns on our streets.' - since this is the 'outside influence' argument, you might want to cite how many NRA members there are in your state, along with an approximate number of legitimate gun owners.

We could go on and on. I would stress the probably poor stat's and / or analysis they're using for this 'new' information. And, keep stressing the common sense (and documentable) argument that more honest people with guns makes the BG's more nervous ... and encourages them to consider other lines of work. Good luck.
Most LE Chiefs are Polictical Lap Dogs, esp. in the Larger Cities. Most have spent little if any time on the Street, and have spent their time ladder climbing instead.

In a police Mag. (Sorry Can't remember which one) ran a poll several years back. The finding showed that about 80% of Officers, around 80% of Street superviors (Sergants),65% of Leutenants and Captains, and 52% of Chiefs supported the 2nd Ammendment. When ask if tougher gun laws would reduce crime. Only the Off street personal thought that it might.

Cite the Texas Shall issue Law that was not Blood running in the street. Point out that Crimes of violence Dropped after that Shall Issue law was passed. Property Crime remained the same or maybe went up a little. The Same was true in Florida.
The BGs started attacking Tourists because they knew they wouldn't be armed.

[This message has been edited by Raymond VanDerLinden (edited 01-28-99).]