From an American in site is blocked

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I've been trying to get back to your site but the only netaccess I have is censored by WebSENSE and blocks you for some reason I can't figure out

He is not talking about my photo is the RKBA site that is blocked. I gave him an alternate URL to try. Seems the Jap government classifies self-defense as an obscene concept. That makes me feel much less sorry for Tojo and buddies who hanged.

The problem here is that Websense has a very anti-gun slant in their choice of sites to block. The Websense subscriber doesn't normally even know which individual sites are blocked because they signup for a service.

These filters, in particular websense, can be bypassed by using an anonymous proxy. There are many of these on the net, some public and some cost a small fee per month. The more well known ones are blocked by Websense as well so you have to look for a smaller less well known one. A good place to start looking is at . Scroll down to where it says "Finding Proxies".