From A Liberal (?) Feminist

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This article appeared in a blog on the Seattle Post Intelligencer site. This woman really gets it!

The writer, Erin Solaro, is a self-described feminist. She has presented a detailed essay, which describes the responsibility women have to maintain their positions in society. It goes right to the core of the Second Amendment, and the right (also responsibility) to keep and bear arms. She's a firm believer in self-defense, and well understands the core concept to insure our continued civilization.

These were the concepts our Founding Fathers embraced, and knew that each citizen must understand to establish and keep our republic.

She addresses the usual propaganda espoused by the antigun socialists/collectivists, and takes apart those arguments in detail. She's also used statistical data to support her argument, and she shows that she really understands the concept of individual rights and responsibilities.

She may identify herself as a feminist, but she clearly writes like a libertarian.

I was impressed with her writing, and I sent her the following response:

Erin, this was a well thought out and written piece; and obviously comes from your heart. Bravo!!

As humans, we're required to rely on ourselves for our own safety and security. To do otherwise, makes us indebted and enslaved to another.

The late Colonel Jeff Cooper, who founded the Gunsite Academy in Arizona, and was a prolific believer in self-defense, wrote -"Fight back! Whenever you are offered violence, fight back! The aggressor does not fear the law, so he must be taught to fear you. Whatever the risk, and at whatever the cost, fight back!" (November 1993).
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That's an outstanding piece. Thanks for posting the link. I've bookmarked it, and will be passing it on to various anti-gun friends.
I really liked that article. It was a very powerful presentation as to why self-defense and guns go not to just a civil right, but to civilization itself.

Thanks, Dennis, for posting this.
Excellent, extremely well written article. She presents a very logical, well thought out position in defense of gun ownership.

Certainly not something I'd expect in a Seattle newspaper.
Best line in the article.....

""There is a rule about being killed: being killed clothed involves far less suffering and humiliation than being killed naked. You get bonus points (in terms of reduced pain and degradation) if you die standing.""

Amen sister!

Pendennis.......... Great find. Absolutely best written, researched, and thought out article I've read in a long time.

This touches my heart as I know 2 ladies very close to me who've suffered abuse. One stopped it with a .38. The other moved in with me.
What a well thought out commentary!
I hope we see Erin joining TFL... PAX, Tamara and the other gals need their numbers grown with like minded quality thinkers!
As my momma once told a friend that saw her pistol in her purse... "No one ever raped a .38"
It is beyond me that a lot of women are either indifferent to or against guns. You'd figure it'd be the answer to their prayers, especially feminists. Great article!
Like a breath of fresh air.

I am slowly but surely dispelling some of the various myths she mentions with my girlfriends. One even agreed to go to the range with me sometime soon so that she could gain at least basic familiarity with a firearm. Thanks for posting this!
Excellent piece and thanks to the OP for the link ... my wife, who has shown little interest in guns, recently said out of the blue that she might like to train for a CHL ... after I picked myself up off the floor, we scheduled a day at the range in a few weeks ... I just emailed her the link to that piece ... she carries one of those Kimber pepper spray gizmos, but I worry every day she's at work, in a big office building in an otherwise rural area near the junction of two major freeways, perfect for getaways ... women need to be just as concerned as men, and probably more, about defending themselves from the scum with whom we share this planet ...
I am glad that this spoke to people.

If I had this to write over again, I would have emphasized how very close the assailants of many women are to their targets. I would also have emphasized that in such situations, defense of property is less about theft and often about , "You like that? That's important to you? Well, I can do this to you, too." Then there are the legal issues, but this was very much a philosophical piece.

And yes, I am, more or less a liberal, not that that word has much meaning these days. I am not under any circumstances, by any stretch of the imagination, a libertarian.

Erin Solaro
Another good feminist that makes for a good read is Wendy McElroy at

She often writes for Fox News and probably other outlets as well.

Very "classical liberal" rather than the modern bastardization of the term to mean "socialist."
I'm not a "classical liberal." Really.

Civilization is a collective, joint, social, group (pick your adjective) endeavor, and to borrow from Ortega Y Gasset, who is a conservative icon, the aristocrat knows that civilization must be maintained, not simply enjoyed until it is used up, and picks the contribution she wishes to make.

I have no idea where that fits on the American political spectrum.

Feminist because until such critical issues as maternal mortality (high rates of which drive a society mad with grief and shame and hate: see Afghanistan for exhibit A) are seen as important as they actually are in, say, foreign aid to developing countries, and not "women's issues."

And I wrote this essay because I was very tired of being treated as if I have suggested barbequeing (sp?) babies for breakfast, that it is time women who claim to care about the freedom and dignity of other women started encouraging those at risk of murder and torture from probably-known assailants, to effectively defend themselves.

Anyhow, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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And I wrote this essay because I was very tired of being treated as if I have suggested barbequeing (sp?) babies for breakfast, that it is time women who claim to care about the freedom and dignity of other women started encouraging those at risk of murder and torture for a probably-known assailants, to effectively defend themselves.

Against men I may add.

Isnt it more than just self defense though? Isnt there a nedd to fight that deeper, more ingrained sickness in virtually ALL societies wherein women are viewed as objects, rather than people.

WildanduntilthenwomenshouldarmthemselvesAlaska ™ do you feel about Lautenberg laws?
Glad to see you made the trip to TFL, Warmare....
don't them folks realize that men run the b-b-q? Babies or burgers, the grill is the "man stove":D Seriously, you kicked some serious butt with your editorial!
Like i said before... we have a few very vocal gals here... PAX and Tamara both are moderators but full willing to take your PM's as well as posts...
Have a ball...
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