Frivolous movie thread.


New member
Has anyone else ever watched a scene in a film and thought it would be interesting if they armed the characters differently?

My favourite would be the drive in movie theatre shoot out from ‘Heat’.
Visualise Val Kilmer using a Lee Enfield No 4 rather than an H&K G3. This would have to include at least one reload using a 5 round .303 charger.

I am not for one moment suggesting that the No 4 would be a better choice, just that that scene with slickly used bolt action would damned cool.
I have often thought that it would be interesting if John Wick was armed with a movie prop with the identical recoil and muzzle blast of the 2011 hand cannon he was purported to be shooting instead of the recoil of a Lone Ranger cap gun.
Support your loco sheriff and the loco gunfighter.

especially the jail scenes with no bars!

and how to use a old flat iron.
If each of those Alamo defenders only had the MG-42s and a few M-2s, they might have just won.
And let's not forget when ol' Davy Crockett steps up and warms up his M134 mini gun. Or something like that.
Replace all US and allied strafing aircraft with A-10 Warthogs in "The Battle Of The Bulge". Brrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppp! Instant ground bratwurst.
It would be nice if for once they got the gun stuff right in a movie that also had a good story line. That's probably too much to ask for...

I also love "Support Your Local Sharif" and I really like the part where the cannon goes off... They don't make movies like that any more...

How about the Joker with jack nickulas...

pulling that LOOONG barreled revolver from his pant and downing the Batfighter.!
Okay, the joker’s pistol was brilliant because it was so ridiculous as to poke fun at every fool gun mistake made in the movies.

Per post number 5, I was hoping for a video of some mall ninja experiencing real 10mm recoil, not a bit of steel. Shooting butane pops is really different from throwing lead down range.