friends in Australia some ???


New member
I read a post in the reloading section on how in Australia you have to get a license for every gun you own, but then you can only use it for certain things. SO let me get this straight if the license says you can only target shoot with your .308 m700 then you have to get another license to shoot Kangaroos or whatever you hunt down there with it?

I'd like to learn because Mr. Clinton would love to emulate the globalist buddies of his in the countries of Canada, U.K. and Australia. I imagine the gun laws are pretty tight in New Zealand too.

This crap is coming to Yourville sometime soon. It makes me want to puke.

p.s. can you own firearms that are chambered for military cartridges, i.e. 9mm, .308, .223, .30-06', .45ACP etc.? Or do you have to have a "sporting round" like a .257 Roberts or some crap like that that you cant find brass, ammo etc. easily.
G'day Orsogato

I just happened to be "on air" when I saw your post.

We've sort of covered this before, and I don't want to bore the other TFLers, so if you don't mind I'll keep it brief.

SO let me get this straight if the license says you can only target shoot with your .308 m700 then you have to get another license to shoot Kangaroos or whatever you hunt down there with it?

That applies here in Western Australia; someone else will fill you in on the other States, I'm sure.

We have two "sorts" of licence; call one "unrestricted" and one "endorsed".

An endorsed licence only lets you shoot in accord with the endorsement; the most common is "range use only". This means what it says -- get caught using it for hunting and you are dead meat!

To get an "open" or "unrestricted" licence, you need written permission from landowners to shoot on their properties. The rub is that you only are "allowed" a calibre dependant on the size of the property and where it is. For say 1000 acres down south, you might be allowed a .222 or .223. For 200 000 acres up north, you could probably get a .308 or even heavier. If you have a "range only" licence, you can get it made "open" by producing letters at a later date.

Incidentally, if you want to shoot a kangaroo, better make sure you have a "tag" from the Department of Conservation and Land Management -- otherwise, they're protected.

Feral pests (rabbits, foxes, goats, pigs, feral cats, donkeys, camels) are the usual shooters' targets (and deer on the eastern coast).

I imagine the gun laws are pretty tight in New Zealand too.

Surprisingly, not so. Compared to much of the USA, they are harder, yes. But compared to Australia they are a dream. I believe NZ had long gun registration and then repealed it because the police said it didn't work! Now there's commonsense at work!

p.s. can you own firearms that are chambered for military cartridges, i.e. 9mm, .308, .223, .30-06', .45ACP etc.?

Yes, military calibres are allowed. All centrefires are difficult to get a licence for, from a .22 Hornet upwards. With very few exceptions, there is NO CCW in Australia. It is extraordinarily difficult for the average person to get a handgun licence, and it can ONLY be used for target/range work and you must be a member of a recognised gun club and have what is called "F1" support from them.

There is an active push to ban handguns totally, and, in the interim, have IPSC and Western Action shooting shut down, because they "glorify killing" and are not "legitimate" sports. Here in WA, even paintball is prohibited, although the police, sensibly, turn a blind eye. Nevertheless, they could shut it down in an instant if they wanted to.


What I believe will happen in the US, as it did here, is the public vilification and ridicule of shooters by the media -- ALL shooters. We are now politically incorrect, and daily on the radio I hear jokes against us as "rednecks", "idiots", "thickheads", "killers", "sexual inadequates" and worse.

If they can't get at you directly, they will get at you through your non-shooting friends, your workmates, your family and especially your children.

Believe me, you will no longer be openly proud to be a shooter -- you will use all your powers of rational thinking and self-esteem, but you will still be made to feel "guilty", simply because you own a firearm.

There will be a concerted and deliberate push to remove shooting as a sport -- it's already been downgraded here for Govt funding from a sport to a "recreation".

Your children will be obstructed at every turn from taking up shooting -- because the authorities know without young people taking it up, shooting will die when this generation does.

And no, I'm not being paranoid -- this has already happened in the UK, in Australia and is happening in Canada now.

Be aware

PS: Oh, spit --- this was meant to be brief!! Sorry, I get a bit wound up once I get started. :)

[This message has been edited by Bruce from West Oz (edited August 13, 1999).]
Things are a bit more laid back here in Queensland.
A 5 year Handgun License will set you back $60 & the cost of your Club membership.
The rifle guys have no resrictions on hunting that I know of but hey, I'm into handguns so I might be wrong ! ;)
The only proviso's are that you aint been a REAL bad person & that you're a member of a Club or have written permission from a suitable Land owner to use your rifle there.
Hah, so much for our much vaunted "Uniform Laws" that John Howard (our P.M.)schpeeled so much to the press ! ;)
Thhppsttt... to Johnny :(
That was a "Virtual" Raspberry btw... :D

"The Gun from Down Under !"

I believe that you are right about the propaganda against gun owners. It has already started here. What I have found to work to counter this is to ask them if they are a coward. They always respond with the question "why do you ask that.. i has nothing to do with guns.." I then explain that we the people in the united states pledge our lives in the defense of all. That it is not only our right but our duty to be at all times armed. To be armed for the defense of all law abiding citizens. I then ask them if they are a citizen willing to defend their fellow citizens or a coward. I take the attack to them... make them feel little.

Although this only pisses off the true anti-gunner, those fense sitters listening when I ask them the question why they refuse to defend their fellow citizens (in a tone that reflects that they are a low life coward) more often than not changes the tone of the debate.

I further accuse them that shootings like Littleton are their fault, because they refuse to do their duty to defend their fellow citizens.

No one likes to be called a coward, but the truth is that is what these people are; Cowards.

Another good point I bring up... I ask the question.. "Do you trust yourself enough that if you had a gun that you would not go out and shoot someone with it?" When they answer yes I do trust myself... I respond with, then why don't you trust me? Are you that much better than I am that you can be trusted and I can not?

Think about it, we need to take the offensive in the propaganda war.



The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
In NSW there are different types -
- target - longarms -you belong to a club and can only shoot at a range. You must shoot 4 times a year.
- recreational hunting/vermin control - you have a letter from a land owner or are a member of a hunting club. This lets you hunt anywhere and sight in or practice on arange but no competitions. Well thats a grey area. Members of a hunting club have to attend 2 events involving hunting, shooting or firearms safety training. If you are a bit creative like me those 2 events are no problem. Being a president of a 560 member hunting club I made sure of that.
- multiple - basically it includes target and hunting on the one licence.
- pistol licence - you can only shoot on pistol ranges, no handgun hunting allowed here and must shoot 6 times a year.

Each approved club must notify the firearms registry if someone failsto attend their compulsory events. Then if the firearms registry sees that the membership of that club was their only reason forgetting a licence the licence can be cancelled. A lot of people are in many clubs so they will still keep their licence. You couldn't make more paperwork if you tried.
Thanks for info.
I fell your pain.
That really sucks for all you in Australia. I like the fact that you guys post on these boards because it is coming to America.

The media has already started on gun owners big time and the Democratic/ Communist party of the U.S. wants to make this a full blown election issue.

Write your congressmen daily fellow Americans. The only problem is it may not be enough. There is an agenda being pushed here to disarm Americans. It is all part and parcel to the U.N.s goals. Just look at their web page, they brag about how they will disarm the worlds population. That include the U.S.of A.
You guys in Australia are welcome to come to the US and shoot with us. Every weekend I shoot .357 or 45 or Garand or Ar15 or 40 or SKS and on and on. I think you guys would like it here.

Thanks for the invite.

I have relatives in Salem, OR, and if we go over to visit, I'm sure gonna be seeing if we have any TFLers near them so I can meet them, have a few (!) beers and maybe do some shooting, even if just at tin cans.
