Friendly Competition


Lol, was looking for some local friendly shooting competitions. Apparently there is no such thing for stock amateur shooters. You guys need to lighten up some and have some fun.
The competitions ARE fun and friendly. Just because its organized, doesn't mean anyone are pros, just keeps everyone on a level playing field. Plinking might be fun for a while, but not as much fun.

I know if I was shooting for a living, I would be bankrup, LOL.

Sort of like a golfer hitting a ball around the yard. Its might be fun, but getting together with some friends and golfing a real golf course would IMO be more fun.

I wouldn't tell a golfer to lighten up and just have fun hitting the ball around the yard.

I think you are really missing out if you don't try shooting with like minded shooters no matter what the dissiplin..clays, pistol, or rifle.
Ken O is right. Matches are more like social events. Safety is primary but then comes the jokes, stories, technical tips,things for sale, and just being at the range with other gun people. Some people take their game very seriously while most try their best with the equipment that the brought.
It's hard to find anything more friendly than IDPA or Steel Challenge.

Remember, everyone on the range knows what it's like to shoot in competition for the first time. No one expects a newby to shoot really well. You're expected to come in last or close to last.
Lol..I guess im and my friends and family always getting together and shooting against each other...for braggin rights mostly...maybe 5 bucks a match for serious betting...just enough for drinks or lunchy..( no alcohol while shooting )..even on lunch breaks from work when we get to talkin trash to each
Spearfish SD has some sort of pistol matches ever other week. You can't ask for a more friendlier group. They have classes for most of the shoots for stock pistols/revolvers. Example ICORE with stock pistols loaded with speed loaders in lieu of race guns, 8 shot moon clip fed revolvers.

They charge a whopping $5 to shoot, and $3 for a second gun (I like to shoot my pocket revolver SD gun for some good training for a carry revolver)

Again you can't ask for a friendlier group to shoot with.
You guys need to lighten up some and have some fun.

You sound like a friend of mine.

Most of the guys I know are pretty serious with shooting. Whether it's shooting pistols, rifles or shotguns. I've never seen one of them, NOT having fun doing it.
for me

I have found safe fun friendly competition from the northern tip of Vermont to York, PA, to South Carolina to western New York State to the Mass. shores and in-between.
I shoot USPSA.