Freudian slip

You know, I've been listening to people bitch about clinton (or Klinton) on this forum for a while, and I mostly just shake my head. Do you honestly think he cares about anything other than taking advantage of his power by seducing woman? Do you really think he cares if gun shows are banned? No, he just cares on how is popularity is, and if he can still mess around with interns. He is not a mastermind of a New World Order, unless that New World Order will increase his popularity and get him more sexual favors.

well, that's just my opinion. A sheep is leadingthe sheeple.
Don't sell Willie short. His opponents have been loosing to him for years, by making this mistake. The guy is very] bright, very] determined and very "slick". Add to that the fact that he's completely unprincipled, merciless and grandiose and you have a truly dangerous combination.

His grandiosity is, perhaps, his most dangerous quality. This drives his desire to make the history books. I think the Second Amendment does receive Clinton's attention. He desires it's repeal. Whether by Act(s) of Congress, Supreme Court Erosion or Executive Order(s) is of no any case, he will demand the credit. (Remember, this is the age of Orwellian NewSpeak and Willie is a Master of Spin.)

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited July 15, 1999).]
Clinton and his peers do have an identifiable agenda. He has set it forth in published speeches and by his own actions.

Is this part of a world wide conspiracy? I don't know, but there are others who share his same thoughts and political ideas even if they are not formally associated with him.
I have a bit of a nightmare, lately. What happens if Clinton or another member of his cabinets outlives his usefulness to the rest of that crew...we get a JFK re-enactment, lots of blame thrown at you and me and a major media-induced swing in public opinion...not sure what can be done about that particular technique.

(Just remembering some Soviet ideas, the way Kirov and some others were disposed of and then others would get scapegoated and, likewise, disposed of)

Cornered Rat, now at bay Updated July 14
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."
Yep, don't sell him short...he is a very smart man. Think about this...if women and sex were his primary motivations, there are a bundle of different careers he could have gone into where those would be easier obtained, with a lot more variety and with a lot less scrutiny. Think Hollywood, porn-publishing etc. Women and sex are mere hobbies....power is what he wants, needs and lives for.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
William Jefferson Clinton. You wanna talk about a tyrant posing as a president? This guy is so well connected to the Bilderbergs since he agreed to them he'd deliver America to them on a platter (his act to the NWO for winning the presidency).

If our founding fathers were alive today, they would have had this guy strung up for a public execution for treason long ago. And next to him on the gallos would be Hillary, Janet Reno, Charles Schumer, and the balance of the Democratic party.

We are busy waiting...waiting for his term to end...waiting and holding our respective breaths that something more significant won't happen before he's gone for good. Why should we have to wait at all?
Maybe dZ has a point. How in hell could he get out of all his scrapes, literally unscathed? I doubt he is getting devine help, so it must come from the other place.
Paul B.
Paul R.,

Remember all of the Republicans that have sold us out, as well.

Raise 'em high!


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)
