Fresno Student Shot, Killed by Police Officer After Bat Attack

Student strikes officer with bat. Officer is knocked down. Officer defends him/herself with firearm. Sounds legitimate to me as the option of buying the kid an ice cream cone and sending him/her home with a note to their parent isn't really viable.
It's sad it had to come to that, but it doesn't look like the officer had any choice.

Definitely makes the case for a back up gun.
This just in: Advocates nation wide calling for the banning of baseball bats on all school campuses and calling for police to be disarmed... Details to come

The mentality of many in that article is sickening... :barf:
LEO kills a kid at school,2933,351502,00.html

Very unfortunate by all accounts. I was taken aback when I read this statement.
Quoted from the article:

"Silvia Carrillo, whose daughter is a sophomore at Roosevelt High, said the shooting did not seem justified.

"My son and my brother went to school here too, and nothing like this ever happened. I think this wasn't enough for him to kill the kid," she said."

The kid bashed the cop in the head with a baseball and was winding up for a second hit when he shot the kid. The kid was 6' tall and 250 lbs. How many hits does this fool Corrillo think is ok before the cop can defend himself. What an idiot! Perhaps if the nut with the bat was hitting her daughter ,son or brother, then it would be ok.
sad very sad

any time things get to where anyone has to shoot a student attacking them with a bat it is a sad situation.

As far as the parent reaction who should be supprized by it. Parents will defend their kid in almost every situation that come to light. You can see the parent defence of kids almost every news broadcast. Parents and denial seem to go together.

There has to be some major problems going across the on when so many schools have to have armed police on campus. Armed police on campus seem to be more of the rule than the exception.
Yeah...I agree with your "shoe on the other foot" point. If it was her kid getting hit, I'm sure a fatal shooting would've been viewed as justified.

Next she'll sue the PD, just watch. :barf: Double :barf: if she wins, and with this being Kali and all, ya can't never tell.
Duplicate threads merged.

Looks like a clear case of self defense to me, assuming the facts of the story are correct. The officer's life was threatened with a deadly weapon. How many licks does it take before he is allowed to stop the threat?
Silvia Carrillo, whose daughter is a sophomore at Roosevelt High, said the shooting did not seem justified.

"My son and my brother went to school here too, and nothing like this ever happened. I think this wasn't enough for him to kill the kid," she said.

What an amazing comment.

I'd wager that one solid hit in the side of the head with a baseball bat is more immediately disabling than are several hits center of mass with a 9mm or .40cal., and potentially just as lethal.
Duplicate threads merged.

Looks like a clear case of self defense to me, assuming the facts of the story are correct. The officer's life was threatened with a deadly weapon. How many licks does it take before he is allowed to stop the threat?

Zero. The threat should be enough. One blow to the head with a bat can be fatal, the kid should never get that chance.
Looks to me like a fine educational experience

Whack a cop with a baseball bat (even a "crude" one) get shot. Die as a result of getting shot, lesson permanently learned.

As reported, there was no altercation, the kid (6' 250lb who was bigger than the cop) came up behind him, and hit him in the head with the bat. Gets shot while winding up for the "home run".

Cop's "clip" came out. Two possibilities, one) magazine was not properly seated and locked in (unlikely). Two) Dazed from a baseball bat to the head, officer accidentally hits mag release when grabbing for his pistol (likely).
Officer has enough presence of mind to go for back up gun, uses it effectively. Threat canceled, no bystanders injured.
So, all we are left with is the intellectual curiosity as to why this 17 year old student attacked the officer, apparently without warning and without provocation (if further reporting changes these facts, we will revisit our opinion). Was he mentally ill? Was he delusional due to drugs? Was he depressed, and this was a case of suicide by cop? Did he mistake the officer for someone else (who he intended to hit in the head with a baseball bat)? Did he just do it for fun, never realizing that the cop might actually defend himself with deadly force? Did he not know that hitting someone in the head with a bat is considered an unfriendly act?

All these questions (and more as well) will be asked by someone(s), over and over for some time. While the why could help explain it, and knowing why (if we ever do) might help prevent someone else from doing it, it really isn't the important lesson. I don't think the shrinks will focus on it as they counsel the students, but to me the important lesson here is "he did what he did, and he got what he got". Don't want to get what he got? Don't do what he did! How much simpler can it be?