Freezer died!!!!!


New member
My freezer lost power 5 days ago. All of the game I harvested this year was in it. Everything has thawed, but is still very cold.

After an initial response of extreme anguish and despair, anger, and hopelessness, I checked the USDA website. They say that any red meat thawed in the refrigerator can be refrozen within 3-5 days of thawing, without being cooked. Please cross your fingers...and pray for the best. It makes me sick to think of 4 whitetail deer going to waste.


Try Soy Sauce and Worcestershire Sauce in a 2/1 ratio with whatever spice you like thrown in.

Dry in an Oven in the lowest possible setting till done. About 5 or so hours.

I REALLY suggest the use of this.....

Good luck!

If it were me I wouldn't have to worry much - the freezer is out in the garage and the temperature outside would keep everything solid for weeks to come! Maybe you could take advantage of nature's cooler depending on where you live...
My freezer is out in the garage, but it has been unusually warm lately. I'm thankful that it kept everything cold! I tried some tenderloin last night and it was fine. Whew!
Being plum full probably had a lot to do with it not gettin too warm.

When I have partial freezer load....I fill it up the rest of the way with jugs of water/ice. Cuts the lectric bill and a bit of power loss insurance.

Glad you dodged that one.

considering what passed for sanitary food handling in the 1500s,
i would think your meat is OK

when in doubt, add more pepper & onions

Same thing happened to me last year, and I lost almost an entire elk. Freezer was in the basement and I have no idea how long it was off, I hadn't touched it in about ten days. Opened it up to grab some meat and almost cried. Everything thawed and warm and smelling bad.

Glad you caught it in time.
Sorry to hear of your bad luck. Three suggestions.
1) Re-freeze half
2) Donate 25% to a food bank/shelter
3) Throw one hell of a BBQ party with other 25% (BYOB)