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WETA's Political Name-Swapping
Exchange of Donor Lists With Democrats Angers GOP
By Paul Farhi
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, July 16, 1999; Page C01
WETA, Washington's biggest public broadcaster, said yesterday that
it had exchanged donor lists with the Democratic National Committee,
a disclosure that comes amid a budding controversy over public
stations' fund-raising ties with the DNC.
Congressional Republicans already are angry at WGBH, the Boston
public TV station, which recently revealed that it exchanged
membership lists with the DNC on two occasions. Yesterday, a key
Republican predicted that public broadcasting's federal funding
would be cut as a result of the flap.
Rep. Billy Tauzin (R-La.), who heads the subcommittee overseeing
public broadcasting, said he would discuss rolling back a proposed
$300 million outlay for hundreds of public radio and TV stations to
an unspecified level. "I am frankly of a mind to support [reduced
funding] from what I've seen in Boston," he said.
Conservatives have attacked public broadcasting for years over TV
and radio programs deemed to have a liberal slant. Now, public
broadcasting's fund-raising methods are providing fresh ammunition
to the same critics.
Like many public stations, WETA sells lists of its donors, or
"members," to other organizations. It also trades these lists for
those kept by other organizations.
WETA spokeswoman Mary Stewart said the station has exchanged lists
with the Democratic National Committee, but she didn't know how many
names were involved or how frequently the exchanges took place.
While there haven't been any exchanges with the Republican National
Committee, she said the station has provided lists to conservative
organizations, including groups she identified as Great American
Republicans and the Patriotic Veterans Association.
Asked if viewers of WETA or listeners of WETA-FM were aware of the
list exchanges, she replied, "They may not. You can check a box on
some of our solicitations" to prevent your name from being given
out, "but not all of them" have such a feature.
Added Stewart: "Our policy has been the same for 20 years. We trade
lists with a variety of organizations, from all walks of life. We
trade with both liberal and conservative groups. . . . If this is
becoming a concern on Capitol Hill, we will reevaluate our policy."
Other major public TV stations say they prohibit list exchanges with
political organizations. But those policies appear to have been
violated. WGBH acknowledged exchanges with the DNC following reports
in May that a 4-year-old boy had received a fund-raising pitch from
the Democratic Party after his mother made a donation to the station
in the name of her son, a fan of public TV's "Barney & Friends."
Yesterday, WNET in New York said it had exchanged lists with both
Republican and Democratic organizations, which a spokeswoman, Stella
Giammasi, said she could not identify.
WNET's exchanges were made by an independent list broker "without
our knowledge," said Giammasi, who said the broker had been fired.
Rep. Tom Davis (R-Va.), chairman of the National Republican
Congressional Committee, the party's fund-raising and campaign arm,
said the disclosures raise questions about public broadcasters'
standing as tax-exempt organizations.
"This not only jeopardizes their tax status, it puts their whole
[federal] funding program in jeopardy, and that's unfortunate," he
said. "I'm hopeful this can be resolved in a constructive way so Big
Bird can remain on the air."
Staff writer Juliet Eilperin contributed to this report.

© Copyright 1999 The Washington Post Company
My, my...who could have guessed the latest ;):

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>


**World Exclusive**

Just as the Corporation for Public Broadcasting is trying to determine how
many public television stations had swapped donor lists with the Democratic
National Committee, after reports that stations in Washington, New York and
Boston had done so, congressional investigators have started to point
suspicious fingers at the White House!

The DRUDGE REPORT has learned that congressional investigators late on
Friday began considering a possible White House connection in the latest
fund-raising scandal.

The White House is now working to limit any damage that could come from the
developing situation -- damage that could hit Hillary's oldest friend from
Arkansas, now Chairman of the Board at the Corporation for Public

On June 28, 1993, President Clinton nominated Diane Blair to the
Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Blair, who was "best person" at the Clintons' wedding and has been one of
Hillary's closest friends, was later nominated by the president, in 1998 to
serve as a Member of the Board of Directors of the corporation. She is
currently Chairman of the Board.

Blair is very close to the Clintons and is said to have spent more nights
at the White House than just about anyone except the first family.

Before joining the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Blair had a key
role in Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign, working with Betsy
Wright. Her husband, Jim, was chief counsel for TYSON FOOD INC. and was the
man who advised Hillary Clinton on her remarkably successful cattle-futures

"We would like to know if Mrs. Blair was at anytime aware that her
affiliates were sharing donor lists with the Democratic National
Committee?" a congressional source told the DRUDGE REPORT late Friday from

"And when did she learn they were? ... We may call her up to The Hill to
ask her a few questions about all of this."

Diane Blair was not immediately available for comment.

Republicans in Congress on Friday increased their calls for a formal
investigative hearing, and Representative W.J. "Billy" Tauzin [R-LA],
chairman of the subcommittee that oversees funding for public broadcasting,
is leaning towards granting their request, according to sources.

A preliminary hearing will be held on Tuesday to question various

Blair was not on the witness list that was being developed late week.

PBS station KQED-TV in San Francisco on Friday admitted to list-swapping
not only the Democratic National Committee but also Democratic Senator
Barbara Boxer, whose daughter, Nicole, married Hillary Rodham Clinton's
brother, Anthony Rodham, in the White House Rose Garden in 1994.

A spokesman for Boxer declined to comment.

GOP scandal lust cooled slightly late Friday -- after one PBS station said
it had also exchanged donor lists with Republican groups. But few details
were known.

Developing... [/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Huzza! Huzza! Huzza!
Live from the Big Top,
Macabre Matrimony and Melodious Mayhem,
Just across the Mighty Potomac.

"Honey, would you please pass the Polaner?
The Cheeze Whiz is kinda bland tonight..."

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."
'Best person' ... you've gotta love it! ;)

Actually, all kidding aside, I wasn't aware that any public broadcasting member list could materially differ from the Democrat list ... ;)

But, seriously folks ... I certainly don't see any problem with my tax dollars going to people who are working daily to destroy my Constitutional rights. ;)

Ya gotta keep laughing, or these folks can get to you.