Free stock offer similar to Ebay... Experiment or Scam?

I found this today, and I want to see if it pan's out, or if it's a scam. I altered the number below to show my personal reference number.

A company named Tradehall, (very similar to e-bay) is giving away free stock as a promotion for a limited time. They are trying to generate interest in their start up. When Yahoo did this, they offered 5 shares to each person -- those shares are now worth $5,920.00. Anyway, go to this
site and do this:

1) Go to the bottom of the page & click on where it asks you if you want free stock & agree.

2) Fill in the personal information to register as well as my referral number: 10571354. It will ask for the reference number of your sponsor... PLEASE use my
number (10571354)

Just type in your name and password of choice. They will not sell your
name or information to any other organization. You will receive one free
share of stock and a referral number of your own. For every person you get
to sign up, you get an additional 1/2 share of stock!

Anyhow, it could be real, it could be fake, but it does seem realistic enough and what the hell, free stock is free stock.

So, please use my reference number above, and let's see what happens.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for