Free Offer From the Heritage Foundation

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Many of the topics that are being discussed, or will be discussed, involve some knowledge of the Constitution. If you haven't read it lately, here's a great offer for you.

The Heritage Foundation, is making available a free pocket-sized Declaration of Independence and US Constitution. They are even paying the postage, in order to get these into the hands of as many Americans as they can. You can order 1 to 24 copies for yourself. If ordering 25 copies or more, they ask that you specify what groups this is going to.

These make great desk reference booklets or gifts. Get yours today.​
Something like 10 years ago, I bought a bunch of Constitutional References from the CATO Institute for $1 each and gave them to people I thought ought to have a better understanding of our founding documents. Mrs. Grymster carries hers in her purse to this day. That's pretty amazing considering how many purses she's had! :)

Just looked and CATO wants $5 for theirs now, so this is a good deal. Thanks Al! :)
Thanks for posting this, Al.

For those of us who like instant gratification, the Library of Congress web site has links to several downloadable/printable versions, as well as commentaries and judicial decisions:

And Wikipedia is a decent source of information on the Constitution and Bill of Rights; as well as the texts of the original documents, there are handy summaries of content and interpretations, discussions of some of the ambiguities, etc.

This could usefully be a sticky, no?
Allow me to give credit where credit is due. JeffSSg, a newer member to TFL, sent me a PM with the info. Checked it out, remembered the old CATO deal and thought this would be a benefit to all.

Hat Tip to member JeffSSg. :D