Free Frontsight membership

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Hi all,

I appear to be new here. However, I was a member years ago before the board shut-down and Oleg created THR. Then with the legal issues with THR I went to the spin off until that one was shut-down. I just can't seem to get excited about the curent THR..... My user name is the same at all sites. I always read way more than I post.

Anyway, I thought I would follow the lead of a member of Calguns and give away a Frontsight membership. I gave one away over there and thought I would give one here as well. I feel I have learned a lot from the people on these boards and I could give back just a little bit. The one I am offereing here is actually assigned to my wife. But she doesn't want to do anything with assigning or selling it. So, she leaves it to me.

Front Sight has recently given all lifetime members a gift membership. This is a lower level membership and I am just passing it on. It only covers 2 day classes for defensive handgun, practical rifle and tactical shotgun, so it is not for everyone.

If you want it, please either write a note or send a PM with a few sentences explaining why I should give it to you. I will be the sole judge of who it will be awarded to.

This is purely a gift to who I think deserves it most.

But, be aware, if you accept this free membership and actually go to training, I fully believe you will then want to upgrade to be able to take advantage of other classes. The problem with this is, your upgrade options will proabaly be limited to upgrading through Frontsight directly through one of their many offers. Many of the Diamond level memberships held by current members cannot be transfered to current life members. So this membership excludes you from that avenue.

Let the games begin..............
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When I was there for a 4 day class this year, there were no real sales effort. Each day at lunch time they had some soft sell presentation you could sit and listen to, or not. One was for ear protection, one was for safes, and one day they spent maybe 15 minutes talking about how beneficial having a membership could be, comiing over and over etc. But, they weren't selling directly and suggested to the group that others in the group might have memberships available. In fact there were some women in my class that wanted to buy memberships but could not buy them from the school.....

Again, you weren't required to go, sit, or listen. Just something going on at lunch.

Knowing how the email marketing is, I was concerned I might run into hard-sell tactics while I was there. But, it just didn't happen.

Sounds awesome, but I was informed by the wife that between the flight to Vegas, and all the money she would spend to keep herself entertained while we were out there we can't afford it.
I tried.
Sounds awesome, but I was informed by the wife that between the flight to Vegas, and all the money she would spend to keep herself entertained while we were out there we can't afford it.
I tried.

It's true that there is an expense to using it. Between travel, food lodging, and ammo it does add up.

Forgot to mention - there is a $50 annual background check when you register for the first class of the year. It is not charged if no classes are taken during the year.
So they are still trying to sell you stuff if you are there? Wow. Thanks, but no thanks.

Certainly your choice. I can understand that if you can't stand to go into businesses or stores that might have things for sale. Personally, I have never been in a business where somebody wasn't trying to sell something. :rolleyes:

There was NO hard sell for anything.....
If you're interested, you're interested. If you're not interested, there's no profit for TFL in having to eyeball any snark directed toward Frontsight. :)
I'd bet that the "background check" is actually a credit check for marketing.

Uhhhh - No.....

They have no need to do a credit check to send out emails. I really don't understand the fear of receiving email marketing. If you don't want the marketing you can unsubscribe and they take you off the list.

I do know this from experience.

Didn't say credit check for email. Said credit check for marketing. I.E. "this customer has crappy credit, don't put him on our membership/buy in list." "This customer has excellent credit, lets focus on more high end marketing."

Same TTP as time share marketing.
No need.

You either have/purchase/have given to you, a membership or not. Credit rating doesn't matter. There really is no sales pressure other than email.

Again, apparently nothing more than suppostion based on biased mis-understandings from people who really don't have a clue and have never been there.

No need to continue bickering in open forum. Anyone interested can PM the OP.

And BTW, a background check to confirm no criminal record is common among the top schools. Some require a CCW for the same purpose.
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