Free float


New member
I was cleaning up my Sako yesterday, as I reassembled I noticed the barrel kinda snapped back into the stock. I said to myself, self, this can't be good. So we decided to free float the barrel and maybe glass bed also. This maybe a big mistake but I'd like to do this myself. I'm handy around wood and have the tools I would need, I think. If not it would be a good excuse to buy more. I'm sure somebody out there has done this and I would appreciate any suggestions. This is my favorite shootin iron so I's sure hate to screw it up, but how hard could it be? (Yeah those are famous last words)

bullet placement is gun control
muleshoe: Over the years, I've heard a lot of talk about glass bedding rifles, and have had a couple done, as well as done one myself. My opinion is that unless you've got bedding problems, there's probably not all that much to be gained from it. Even after a good glass bedding job, a wood stock will still warp when its moisture content changes due to weather. You can reduce the effects of humidity changes by fully sealing the stock, including the action bedding surfaces and barrel channel. Keeping the amount of warpage to an absolute minimum means you can float the barrel without creating an unattractive gap on each side of the barrel. If your Sako shoots good enough to suit you, and its zero doesn't shift when the weather changes from dry to damp or vice-versa, you probably won't see any benefits from working on the bedding. If you do decide to go ahead with the project, Brownell's has tons of materials and tools, as well as good advice. My old Sako Vixen, bought in 1971, has never given me any problems, but I live in a pretty dry climate.
I guess I should follow up by saying that my Sako shoots very well, probably better than I do. I live in IA where we do have considerable changes in humidity and temperature. I've never had my zero stray or at least not enough to notice. The last time I monkeyed with the scope was over five years ago and I do shoot it regularly. Can't say as I've ever missed a shot because of the gun. I suppose what I'm wondering is, if it's not a problem should I mess with it at all? thanks....

bullet placement is gun control
A properly done bedding job will do much better than the best factory drop in job. Not only will it perform far better but will stay performing well because it seals the area below the action and keeps it from working as much with changes in humidity. To do a proper job is not difficult if you are patient and not the excitable type. I have a paper on bedding the 700 I can send to you and you can adapt or if you would like we can switch to email mode and I can walk you through step by step.
I have a Rem 700 ADL with a synthetic stock. Would free floating the barrel and glass beading help? Are is this only for wood stocks. What about laminated stocks.

Get Mr. McMillan to send you that sheet, too. You bet, bedding and free-floating will help your synthetic stock ADL. Lots of people skim bed their HS Precision stocks, with the aluminum bedding blocks.

Shoot to kill; they'll stop when they're dead!