Free Book Offer for "Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals"

Hi all,

I'm brand new to the forum, so by way of introduction, I wanted to let you know that my company, Key House Press, is running a promotion to give away free copies of one of our books, Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals. If you're not familiar with the book, you can see a bit more detail on our website, at

We recently released an interactive iPad edition of our book (here's the introduction video: and as part of the promotional activities around that release, we're giving away ten free copies of either the print edition or the iPad edition. You can register for the promotion on our Facebook page here:

Thanks all,

Michael Martin
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If you're not sure whether to register for our promotion, here's a comment from an individual who picked up a book from us in an earlier promotion:

"Last week I randomly ran across a free promotional copy offered by the author of this book. I had never heard of him before, and had no idea what to expect. I actually forgot about getting the free copy after my initial contact with him.

Fast forward to the other night, and the book was waiting in my mail, triggering my memory. Yay, forgetfulness! I opened up the package and was pretty surprised with what I found. I'm not sure what I had been expecting, but it was probably a black and white manual or something. What I instead found was a really cool full-color book with an embossed picture of an S&W 1911 on the cover. I thumbed through it and found that the entire book was well-illustrated with charts, graphs, and great professional photography. I was quite impressed--this wasn't at all what I had had in mind the week before.

I took the time to read through the entire book over the course of a few hours. In a nutshell, I would rate this as an excellent tool for those new to firearms and the concepts of self-defense. It covers a LOT of ground, including basics of guns and their handling, ballistics, defensive scenarios, shoot/no shoot choices, etc etc, but does so in a very cohesive and well-laid out manner. Each chapter focuses on a separate aspect, and the book isn't a dense block of text. The print is large enough to breeze through easily, and the book is FULL of very high-quality visual aids. This is a very visual book, and looks fantastic in person. I know I keep saying it, but I really was taken aback by the quality of the product.

If you're a constant gun enthusiast forum-reading, class-taking, spend-your-spare-cash-on-another-firearm "gun nut" (in a good way), probably 95% of this book or more will be stuff you already know (although there were a few range drills I had not encountered before). But you're also not the target audience.

Where this book really excels seems to be with novices, and probably with instructors. I won't hesitate to say "here, read this" before I take someone out shooting for the first time, and if I were teaching a basic firearm or concealed carry class I would strongly consider getting a bulk discount on this book and distributing it to the class. Yes, it's the basics, but the presentation and points made are top-notch.

In trying to come up with cons for this book, I could only really find one, and it's probably more that I'm OCD about these things for some reason, NOT an actual reflection on the quality of the product: Each chapter starts with a summary of what is about to be presented. I don't prefer that format (and I have absolutely no good reason that I can articulate why I don't), but the summaries are brief. I would prefer to just jump into the content, but again, this is strictly my personal preference; I'm betting most people are fine with the format.

So, if you've stuck around this far, I'd highly recommend this book as a resource to those new to the sport or to the idea of concealed carrying/home defense with a firearm. It's very well-done and accessible, and the content is spot-on with everything that I constantly preach in terms of safety, mindset, and using a firearm as a last defense only.

I would actually recommend that even experienced shooters pick up a copy if you ever have friends curious about shooting or self-defense. It would save time to be able to hand them the book and tell them to get back to you after they've read it, because it's good information, and good information done right."