free ammo


New member
Hey guys/gals I just ran across this at is offering free ammo to any registered user at glocktalk who e mails him by the 19th.....can't find the address but check it out.

Sounds too good to be true...
Did he say how much? 1, or 2 rounds?

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."[/b]
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
corbon is giving away 1 box of your choice. Triton is giving away 2 boxes you choice

10MM Magnum.... tried the rest, now I got the best
Thanks for the heads up. I'll report back if I don't get my box of 45 ACP!

Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up... Yankee Doodle
Please note that Mr. Pi's offer is extended to participants in that thread only. He wrote "Anyone from this topic . . . "

It's my opinion that if you didn't actually participate in that thread, you'll be "over staying your welcome" if you write for the free ammo.

If he gets too many requests for free ammo, he'll probably think twice before being so generous again.

Use your best judgement.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
yes, I saw that about two days ago... Requested some .45-70.

Be sure to send an e-mail with thanks and results after you get yours. I believe this to be a promotional deal - repeat business will make up for his offer.

Ah, Peter - Your a member here too...
No offers for us?

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
what are you worried about offer coming to The firing line for?....many people who had never even heard of glock talk came over to GT and scarfed it up...causing the offer to be shut down quickly, leaving many of the Native Glocktalkers with nothing.... :(

I've been lurking on Glock talk for quite some time now. Only started posting due to reading the posts and getting to the point of wanting to interact with others on that board. Guess what?? My first post was right when the ammo offer was anounced and yes I did jump on the offer just like so many others did.

Triton and CorBon new exactly what they were doing when they anounced the free ammo plus it was anounced for everybody to spread the word. This did two things, one was to up the Glock Talk membership (why just post one of 2 messages??) what in turn increases the knowledge base and helps out others. Two, it really helped jump start both Triton and Cor Bon. If you look at all the posts by people that have never tried either of these ammo's (myself included) and will now purchase the ammo they should be increasing there coustomer base.

If you would read all the posts they both (CorBon and Triton) mention sometime in the future the free ammo will be offered again.

I am wating to test the ammo and see what my pistols/Rifle like best and then purchase more of whatever ammo it may be.

Hopefully sometime CorBon, Triton and ProLoad make this offer on TFL as this would be an excelent place to have such an offer!!!
To All - We started the free ammo giveaway at GlockTalk because people were posting that they were having a hard time finding our ammo or some never tried it yet. We also offered free .40 Super Starter Kits (set of dies, 100 pieces of brass & load data) and 10 Cohiba cigars. Needless to say we were shocked at the repsonse. We are still getting back to people and sending ammo out.

Once we are caught up with the ammo we will make the same offer (minus the cigars!)here at TFL.


you are not really the target audience of my comment "welcome to GT" , really.

admittedly my peive here is petty, more so it was a few who shouted out FREE AMMO at GT...and then the 100's of folks who came running in to GT for the very first time...only for the ammo. (Over 1100 Requests in less than a weeks time?..those were NOT all glock talkers)

perhaps if an offer as generous as both Cor-bons and Triton had been on a BBS diffent than those I freq I too might have done the same thing...but I would have felt "slimey" doing it. (just my opinion, not meant to put anyone down) Hope this clears where I am coming from a bit....SDnR