Fred's 1956 Hungarian Revolution Shoot -- Nov 27


New member
In memory of the brave Hungarians who almost barehandedly defied the Soviet Red Army in November, 1956, come join us and see if you and your battle rifle can knock out an armored vehicle target!

Or do you wanna be on the "Molotov Squad"?


Time: 830 am Marksmanship Clinic/10 am Shoot
Date: November 27, 2004
Place: Revolutionary War Veterans Association Range, Ramseur, NC

Instruction, pop-ups to 500 yards. See latest Shotgun News for details, or call 336-879-2144.

Great facility, great folks.

Bring 300 rounds minimum, and be prepared to shoot fast and well. Iron sights preferred, but scopes can be used.

Any battle rifle, caliber .32 and under, is welcome. Just bring your desire to shoot well and learn.

Also, don't forget what you and your rifle need for quick reloads.

Special bonus prize for the shooter(s) who travelled the longest distance to get there!
Call: 336-879-2144 for more info

US-64 West to Ramseur, North Carolina. Left on Route 22.
Go about 2 miles, left on Old Siler City Rd. Go about 2 miles,
and go thru Parks X-Roads. Turn right on Willis Wright Rd.
(Look for range on left)

Remember: if you're just talking, you ain't shooting!

PS: Suggested reading -- The Bridge at Andau, by James Michener

PPS: Don't think Kerry's defeat is the end of global gun confiscation. Check out

Dave, I'll bet we can get a dispensation (especially in light of the "pick-up" nature of the weapons that the Hungarians had to use).

Come on down, everybody!

See y'all next week.
I can't go, but I'm eagerly awaiting an after action report on this.

My favorite HighPower match each year was the "Vintage Rifle" match my old club held. Anything WWII or older. It was a lot of fun.

The things you could see......
I had family members that fought in the '56 Revolution! My mom was also in Hungary during the fighting. Some of friends got killed by those commie bastards.

How far out of Vegas is Pahrump? I was born in Reno, but don't know southern Nevada for beans.

Reason I'm asking is that I'd like to get a group of folks together for a shoot out your way sometime in '05.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
"How far out of Vegas is Pahrump? "

I drive 75 miles to work. That would probably be a good average.
Maybe I should start a "Confederate Civil War Sharpshooter School" since I've got all the info. Meals included (hardtack, raw pork and roasted chickory for "coffee."). I'll need a bugler and an adjutant too. :p
Do it Gary.
What kind of rifle do you need ? Does it have to have a scope ?
I could get interested, but I ain't eating any raw pork. That's more for you.
Give us some details about the course.