Freddy Williams


Have recently acquired a Freddy Williams 12g shotgun approx 1890 build, side by side, hammerless in very good condition, can anyone give me an indication of its value ?
As posted Fred Williams was a English gunmaker, but was Freddy?? I find it very unlikely that a proper English gun maker would sign his work with a nick name,especially an American nick name.. Does your shotguns have British proof markings or Belgium?
I would bet that if you search the bottom of the breech, water table, and the underlug, you will either find Belgian proofs or no proofs at all. Many Belgian and American-made shotguns were sold as private-labeled guns to be sold through hardware stores and mail order, and were named to sound just like the famous brand names. I once handled a Belgian shotgun that was marked Purdy (as opposed to Purdey, the high-dollar British firearms maker).
My first thought is that someone is playing a joke. Frederick William was the king in Prussia. People who have others folks wipe their royal butts generally aren't gunmakers.