Fred Thompson confusing TV with reality?

WOW. Best you could dig up eh. LAME

Do you HONESTLY believe it wasn't just a slip of the tounge? Please.

Any comment about the subject being discussed there?
Yes, that's the best me, Keith Olberman, George Stephanopolous, Claire Shipman, George Will, and a few dozen other talking heads could come up with today, as it was news - the fact that he wants to be leader of the free world, and doesn't know that that country broke up almost 20 years ago.
Haven't people been comparing Putin to the classic Soviet ever since the 'mysterious' poisonings? And, for that matter, does anyone expect a single ex-Soviet countries to act against Iran at this time?
Just seems to me that someone aspring to be our chief diplomat should be more in tune with geo-political governing bodies and borders - to about the same as any 8th grader who pays attention to his teachers in public schools (at least that level, anyway).
NICE. Not just you but a list of pundits could find not bigger fault with Fred then that. AND that whole list believes he thinks the Soviet Union still exists huh. Well that says alot for their perception doesn't it.

Reality check, you and them know better. Reminds me of Bevis and Butthead back in the 80s......

'New Jersey woman gave birth to sextuplets today ......snort snort, he said sex...hee heh snort...yea yea sex hea hea'
AND that whole list believes he thinks the Soviet Union still exists huh

Yes, that's what he said. Did you read it? Are you attempting to dispute that point? On what basis?

Again, it's a perfectly understandable slip up to your average Joe Sixpack - but not to someone who aspires to the highest office in the land - to him, it's indicative of his lack of familiarity with details which he needs to be familiar with, to run the country and the free world. The Rs need to put up someone with more than 5 points higher IQ than bubba this time - we need to break that elusive 3-digit barrier.
Reality check, you and them know better. Reminds me of Bevis and Butthead back in the 80s......

Question: You do know B&B was aired in the mid 1990s, and not the 1980s as you stated. Maybe you are just as mistaken as Fred?
FirstFreedom, on the same basis that I don't think the Democrats citing the Confederacy are over a hundred years behind on history.
Well I wasn't a viewer so I'll rely on your knowledge there. Any comment on the substance of the discussion where he mis-spoke? We just snorting and giggling here?
Well I wasn't a viewer so I'll rely on your knowledge there. Any comment on the substance of the discussion where he mis-spoke? We just snorting and giggling here?

I just did a simple two minute fact check on the net because the dates did not add up. Fred could of done the same if he really needed too.
At least Fred does not think the US is responsible for 9/11

-Or that the Supreme Court 'selected' Bush as President in 2000
-Or that Bush made up the WMDs to invade Iraq
-Or that US activity is why terrorists do what they do
-Or that just leaving Iraq would mean we were done with the WOT
Well. This is...amusing, I suppose. But hardly substantial.

The Soviet Union existed for much of Thompson's adult life, including the formative portion...I don't think this is an unreasonable slip of the tongue. If you're looking for actual reasons to criticize Thompson, you can probably do better.
This was a slip of the tongue and is no big deal.

It doesn't matter though, because although Fred can't lose in the race for the Republican nomination, he also can't win a general election. I don't understand why conservatives can't see that.
Again, it's a perfectly understandable slip up to your average Joe Sixpack - but not to someone who aspires to the highest office in the land

Obviously he needs help with his STRATEGERY...
Or that US activity is why terrorists do what they do

You're right, Fred does not believe that. And Fred is 100% wrong, just as Bush is, because that is precisely why terrorists do what they do. So now we're applauding the fact that Fred is under a delusion that "it's because they hate our economy & way of life" as the reasons for the attacks?

Obviously he needs help with his STRATEGERY...


But hardly substantial.

That's one fair opinion, but I just strongly disagree. If in his mind he's living in the past, then how does he keep up with CURRENT events in geo-politics? It's a symptom of a lack of focus, discipline, and precision in his grasp of the issues.
Nah, its all part of the neo-con conspiracy to keep Thompson from being elected. Darn Freemasons! :D

Just a slip of the tongue on Fred's part, that's all. No big deal.