Frankford Arsenal Platinum


New member
Good afternoon, I hope all is well with you and yours during these crazy times.

I did a little research on this tool. I didn't want to bump up a 2-3 year old thread so I thought I would ask, again.

I'm looking at Frankford tool or similar. Hornady has a couple, one that plugs in and another small unit that's rechargeable..

I'd like to hear some reviews/experience from you all with any or all of these tools.

I kind of like the small, rechargeable Hornady model.
Not to nit pick and I have no answer for you but, IMO, you might put a bit more info in your title so folks will know what the "Frankford Arsenal Platinum" is. When I see Frankford Arsenal I automatically think about my vibratory tumbler.

I could be wrong 'cause I don't trim (I load pistol only) but you might get more responses with more info. ;)
The Frankford Arsenal Rotary Tumbler, (Platinum) often called the F.A.R.T. is a fantastic rotary tumbler that uses stainless steel pins in a cleaning solution to deliver top rate case cleaning. Some people like to FART their brass. They hang "Platinum" as a universal adjective akin to Super, Ultra, etc., on many of their products along with fancier packaging. Post #2 is correct. You should provide specific information or it is unclear what you are asking about. I think you meant the brass preparation appliance. Personally I can't justify the cost because these simple and nonrepeated tasks don't take much time to do with hand tools when needed, which is not often. The main purpose, trimming rifle brass to consistent lengths after sizing is handled very well by the L.E. Wilson trimmer. Those can also be motorized by adding a special bit and your drill. The trimming appliances tend to trim based on Shoulder as the reference point. That is possible variation I don't need. The Wilson trims to absolute length you set.
I have the Hornady Case Prep Trio. Understand that this, and the duo, are prep tools. They do not have case trim capability. They are used after trimming. The Frankford Arsenal Case prep center in the first link performs all of the functions of the Trio and Duo, with the added ability to trim bottle neck cartridges. If you get one of the Hornady devices you will still need a case trimmer. Both Hornady devices are good devices for what they do, with the duo having the ability to function without AC power.
My decision in your situation would be to get the Frankford Arsenal to support all of the functions in one device.
I have the Hornady Case Prep Trio. Understand that this, and the duo, are prep tools. They do not have case trim capability.

They can trim if you want to substitute one of the heads with an 8/32 lee adapter and a Lee Case Length gauge of your chosen caliber.
I own and have been using the Frankford case prep center for about 2 years now and I love it. The case trim adjustment is the only slowing factor in terms of setting it up but it is very accurate/repeatable once set up. Like anything you will learn the tricks to adjusting it for various calibers. I load for a large range and I have a "pilot" case for each which allows me to set it up very quickly. One of the better purchases for my load bench I have made.