QuickLOAD says with that particular powder and bullet and adjusting case capacity to get Hodgdon's number with a 24" barrel (not a big adjustment) that you will get 69 fps more velocity for two extra inches. Since the test barrel used by Hodgdon is a minimum chamber and is 24" long ±0.010", and you probably have a looser chamber and less exact barrel length and your barrel may not be a hand lapped like a test barrel, I would allow that it's not uncommon to be 50 or 100 fps lower than expected from test barrel results. However, occasionally you see it even lower or sometimes even a little faster based on individual gun dimensions. So when you make your calculations, I would see what they look like not only when they are at the expected calculated velocity, but I would try at least three 50 fps steps under and maybe one over that velocity to give you a bracket of results to work to check your needs against.