Fox tactics??


New member
I went out todayand predator called for my first time ever today. It was about 1/2 a mile from a fox den, where I have seen 3 of the little buggers. Well long story short I wanted to keep the hide so I took my .17HMR and I actually called one in. The downside being that it just sat down at like 200+ yards and wouldn't budge.
I only have a rabbit call and its 125 mile to the nearest sporting goods store so new calls are out, What are a couple of good tips to get a stubborn fox/ coyote/bobcat to commit and come on in??

buy a chicken, or rabbit and steak it out just barely on the edge of a field, then call. foxes and coyotes come running when they see it.

the fox probably saw or smelled you. you have to be well concealed, and real still.

we used to hunt them with shotguns, and .22lr.
I thought that he either saw me or smelled me to but it was dead still and I was in a home made snow camo suite with a white face mask, the only thing might have been the rifle that he seen, but the chicken thing is a good idea.. thanks
Just last month I shot one with my bow. I crawled up in my tripod and looked across the creek, and he was just sitting there, about 40 yards off. I pulled my bow up, nocked an arrow, then made a single squeak with my lips, not very loud at all. The second he heard it, he came straight at me across the creek bottom. I shot him at about 7 yards, almost straight down. I went to the taxidermist and found out they wanted $160 to tan the skin. Has it really come to this!? I'll probably never kill another fox. Good luck with your hunt, and try to keep your calling very subtle, as they have tremendous hearing. Excessive calling will only alert them to your position.

A picture if anyone is interested:

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I would make a fuzzy toy decoy of squirrel or rabbit fur (any really) hanging on a short piece of VERY light mono-filament which is tied off to a very thin hobby dowel that will get a little flex with the weight to give action in the lightest breeze. Maybe the motion will pique the curiosity enuff to over rule the wariness. If no wind, just tie a length of the line from fur end to your location so you can flutter it yourself too.
