Fox Republican forum a Romney love fest


New member
Last night, I watched what was called a "Republican Forum" on Fox "news". The moderator (Chris Wallace), a so-called NH focus group, and various Fox commentators were blatant Romney supporters. Mitt himself came across, as usual, as purely a slick corporate cheerleader. Huckabee was roundly condemned and ridiculed by everyone on Fox, and even Rush has evidently been making a point to bashing "populist" Huckabee. Fox even featured Romney fans bashing Huckabee for being "too religious"! Funny, when GW Bush spouts religion, it's always fine with the Republican big whigs, perhaps because those in power know it's just a ploy to divert attention from the corporate agenda. (Even the Iraq war seems to have been more about maximizing business opportunities and securing resources than anything else.)

I don't mean to come across as a raving anti-corporate nut, but since when is one powerful "news" station, even one as blatantly partisan as Fox, so unabashedly favoring one candidate at this point in the election cycle? According to everyone on Fox last night, Mitt is just the most wonderful and presidential candidate ever.
Romney has apparently taken the place of Rude as the neocon's darling since the latter's campaign is seen as on the rocks.
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Personally I have never seen so much bias in the media in previous elections,
corporations are selecting candidates and issues, truly it's a joke or perhaps
would be if not so much at stake.
Couldn't tell you why...

I thought it was a far left fest to me. Not long after the forum debate, they were all over the talks of the Dem candidates. I'm willing to bet if it were a Dem forum debate, it would never transpire to the same antics...

I think Chris Wallace had some tough, yet somewhat fair questions directed at Romney as well as the other candidates. In my observation, I think Wallace didn't hammer on Romney quite as much was because he had his ducks in a row on answering the questions. He wasn't directly giving an answer, but he knew how to answer without blathering...if that makes sense.

However, I did sense to a certain degree that he was a little soft on Romney. I think since it was his stomping grounds relatively speaking. Didn't make it right, just I think it was the mentality.

As much as I'm leaning towards Huckabee, he didn't look very good, especially at the beginning when Romney called him out on the overall tax burden in his state. He could have fired right back and put him in his place in one simple statement, but I think he was caught off guard from the beginning on that and didn't fully recover...