Fox News Special, "Who Owns America"?


New member
Did anyone else pay attention to this. I was not only sickend about what I knew was going on, but also proud of them for having the nuts to air the story!

I emailed them asking them to re-air the story. I need to video tape it for some friends and relatives. If you did not see it, you need to do the same.

[This message has been edited by henryb (edited September 10, 2000).]
I get from your enthusam that this was a program that we all should see. When was it on and what was the name of the program? I will be very happy to send them a request as soon as I know what to ask for.
I saw a piece of it. It was a special called "Who Owns America?" and was generally about the Imperial Federal Government's (mis)use of Federal lands and their grabs for more.

I clicked around a little and couldn't find anything about it. They need a "search" function.

What I saw documented some of the items you've read about here.
A clip from Australian gun laws comes to mind: "Hunting is not permitted on Crown land."

"The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside
the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light." (Romans 13:12)