Fox News Channel

Rob Pincus

New member
I have REALLY been impressed with Fox News Channels presentation of the "gun issues" as relate to the Denver Tragedy.

This evening the "on the scene" guy (Sheperd something) hosted a show with two representatives from Anti-gun concerns and one Pro-gun rights guy. Sheperd was obviously catering to the pro-gun guy and backing up his points, also three of the four callers they let on the air were Pro-gun.. TWO WOMEN and one of the women were even from Denver...

As pointed out in another thread Sean HAnnity (Hannity & Colmes) is also very pro-gun rights and was very complimentary and supportive to Larry Pratt (GOA) on his show earlier in the week.
Hannity also interviewed John Lott on the issue, very favorably.

Hurray for FNC... has anyone else noticed this?
I also was suprised by the FNC' portrayal of the gun ownership question. I almost fell over in laughter when the representative of the antis was questioned about other weapons and responded by saying something along the lines of I am only here to discuss guns. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Even better was when he was questioned by Hannity with the FBI crime report, and was only saved by Colms saying" We can debate statistics al you want. I have the Handgun Control Incorporated report that says..." It just goes to show that the antis will not listen.
I personally was gratified when the Anti said "All I know is guns kill people, and should be outlawed." It perfectly illustrates the anti's emotionally driven propaganda machine in all of its glory.
-Austin Hemphill

P.S. Kudos to Larry Pratts responses, they were concise, accurate, and ligical.
What I have noticed is that this seems event to be drawing a line in the sand, much like FOUP is headed to do. It is bringing people out of the woodwork, getting them to think and debate openly. I am surprised at how much pro-gun, pro-RKBA opinions I am hearing and how many people are sticking up for guns...even the survivors in Littleton.

On the other hand, my local news here in SoCal is doing their best, talking about gun waits, and mandatory gun locks with guns as well as the registration of all gun transfers. Um...duh...those are already laws in California...but I guess they don't know enough about guns to even know what the local laws are.
I forsee that the fact that the kids got their guns second-hand is going to push Clinton's "gun show" laws through. A new law that ALL transactions will be background checked, is my prediction.

Other than that, as I said, there seems to be a line drawn in the sand, and people are thinking, talking and voicing their opinions. And from what I see of the masses, it is loud and clear that people don't see tighter gun control to be the answer. I think that many people that do want "a little more gun control" just want more measures to keep guns away from kids, but that is it.

I'll have to start paying more attention to Fox. I tend to surf, and few channels stay in my mind except the History Channel, Learning Channel, and a few others.

thaddeus, I agree with your 'line in the sand' comment. When I meet anti's now, I give no quarter, and usually pick one of their arguments and beat them with it until they are embarrassed. For example, the mandatory gun lock idea. It now appears that these criminals in Littleton may have been planning this crime for up to one year. So, they steal my gun, with a keyed gun lock on it. Now, I wonder if even those bozo's could have found a drill in a 12 month period of time? Are gun locks a good idea if the firearm isn't otherwise locked, in a safe or well-hidden? Sure. Will they prevent this kind of crime? What intelligent human being could possibly arrive at that conclusion? Not one.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited April 26, 1999).]
If all they know is that guns are made to kill people, well then, I'm not very impressed with their stock of knowledge. ;)


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
This evening they will be having a report showing the weapons that were actually used (not the ACTUAL ones, but the same models) and also showing the guns that the kids asked about buying at a local Gun shop, supposedly including a suppressed MP-5 and an M-60.
Law enforcement viewed Dragonman's surveillance video tapes. Columbine perpetrators were found to NOT be on the tapes.
Not on the tapes, eh? The thot plickens, as they say. Makes you wonder about the coincidence of every time major pro-gun reform is near success, some "societal canary" falls off its perch.

As for Fox, Hannity rules! A breath of fresh, conservative air amidst the blathering liberal idiots, a voice of rational thought among the emotional sensationalism.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.