Fox News and guns


New member
From another board.

"Today I watched Fox's Newswatch program, and towards the end of the show, they have a 'viewer's letters' section.

Today, 12-26-99, the host answered a letter from a viewer asking why the media only covers crimes commited with guns, and avoids covering crimes prevented or lives saved with guns. The host stated something like "Our viewers really wouldn't care to see stories about prevented crimes," or something to that effect.

I personally would love to hear about stories where people were able to defend themselves portrayed in the national media, as I think a lot of you would as well. I've sent them a letter stating as much, and if you would like to let Fox News Channel(Motto: "We Report. You Decide"), and News Watch know that you would like to hear those kinds of stories, drop them a line at: .

Remember to put your name and town in order for it to be shown on the air, or you may put "Please Withhold name." It only makes sense to see and hear balanced news stories, and maybe we can show them that we DO care about that."

You can reach them at

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
I'm going to email them right now. I think it would be wonderful to hear some good stories for a change. Perhaps more people will see that guns really do stop crime and that its not a myth. You cant blame some people, all they see on the news are killings and robberies ect, they don't see the important side to guns. I know, I was there. :)

Thanks for posting this!

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
One polite e-mail is on the way. Having a pistol saved my butt a few years ago. I would love to hear other people's stories.
Guess I missed that one. I've always found Fox news to be about as conservative as a news channel gets. Not perfect but better than most.
SK: Of course, "as conservative as a news channel gets" doesn't count for much when it comes to guns

Sic semper tyranus!
Fox News is generally fair, but does anyone else find Paula Zahn to be a spoiled little rich bi**h who has some extremely left leanings? O'Riley and Henedy are quite good but Zahn has to go IMO.
Fox News went down the tubes when they lost the Crier Report and then dumped Drudge. If anyone followed what happened on the satellite network America's Voice, it went the same way. The republicrat mainstream rears its ugly head and we loose another good news source.

In the shadow of Bunker Hill from the People's Republic of Massachusetts
I watched Fox news last night and they reported a cabbie in Phoenix was shot at by a passenger. The passenger missed and the cabbie shot back killing the BG.

Official company policy was that none of their drivers be armed, but they will not be taking any action against the driver.

Even my wife gave the thumbs-up at the report of sucessful self-defense. She said, "That's cool!" :)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!