Fox affiliate news lead-in


New member
Last week as the local Fox affiliate KPTM 42 in Omaha NE lead in to a news story about a dead female being found laying in an alley, in the background to the upper left of the screen they had an illustration of a pistol, and a chalk outline of a body. Fairly typical crime reporting, show a picture of a gun as you talk about crime. When they got to the story, with some footage of the location, it turns out that there were NO FIREARMS INVOLVED AT ALL. The woman was run over by a car.
What kind of reporting is this?
Our CBS afilliate ran two stories some time back. One involved a rifle, one a clublike weapon. Same handgun graphic. I called the station manager, who proceeded to tell me about the evils of handguns. So much for credability!
Well, a gun could have been involved, and there probably was a gun in the car that ran over that poor woman. There are just too many guns in this society, and that graphic is further evidence that they are everywhere! Once we get rid of the guns, people will naturally be less violent, and consequently fewer people will be run over by otherwise good drivers. Why can't you people see that? ;)

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited July 18, 1999).]
This is part of the problem with so many ignorant people in this country. Because they know nothing much about guns or shooting sports, they immediately equate a gun with personal violence.

As for the media, please don't ever expect fairness or honesty from them. Treat them like the enemy, because that is what they are.

Those who run the (entertainment) news departments of stations and networks tend to be liberal, city folk who gain all their knowledge of firearms from the movies (and you know that's an honest protrayal, right?).

From their personal ignorance, they spread their misconceptions to other ignorant people, etc, etc.

The upshot of all this is - don't expect them to be fair, because they ain't.
