four-part fox news special on israeli spies in u.s.(video)

Great. :rolleyes: It's not enough that they are our biggest foreign and military aid welfare clients, they have to come over and steal more. Tell me again why we have to unquestioningly support Israel. :barf:
It's nothing new. I think it's safe to say that other countries have spies here as well...both allies and enemies.

Besides, we spy on the entire world, so it shouldn't be any surprise if the entire world spies on us.
toxic, my concern is the connection between israeli spying, the larry franklin/aipac f. b.i. investigation and the office of special plans at the pentagon, where all of the wmd in iraq nonsense came from. keep in mind, iraq/iran/syria were never a threat to us, but they ARE a threat to israel. that's why it's different. We may have been duped into this war.
Great. It's not enough that they are our biggest foreign and military aid welfare clients, they have to come over and steal more. Tell me again why we have to unquestioningly support Israel.
Not long after the inception of the modern state of Israel, the Soviets began their policy of supplying massive amounts of military aid to the arab countries surrounding Israel - Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc. Why do you think all those Middle-Eastern terrorists have Kalashnikovs and RPG-7s?

The US Government apparently still wants to keep its proverbial foot in the door of the Middle East, as do other powerful nations.

BTW, I loved the bank robbery shoot-out scene in Heat
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