Four more weeks till antelope season opens

Dang, I can't wait! The 243 is sighted in waiting to go try and take down a tasty goat for burritos and chili next winter. Hope it cools off about 30 degrees daytime temps. What hunting seasons y'all are looking forward to??
I didn't get drawn for an antelope license this year in South Dakota.

Archery deer season already opened in Florida but temps remain in the 90's at this time. I'm looking forward to cooler weather next month for the muzzle-loader opener. But for the rut, I'm headed to north Georgia to hunt whitetails with my 30-30 rifle. We hunt wild hogs year round but the best ones for table fare are young (smaller) animals. Trophy boars have zero appeal to me.

I can sure relate to your wish for cooler weather. I have hunted antelope in Wyo, Colorado and Nebraska and the warmer temps sure make it harder. I dropped one in Wyo. once in pretty warm weather and had a game warden there almost immediately checking out my license and stuff. When he got done, he told me I better get it opened up soon as they bloat quickly. I felt like telling him that if he would get the heck out of my way and leave me alone I would be doing it !....but anyway as soon as I got a knife stuck in the belly region, I could hear the air escaping. They sure don't do well in that warmer weather.
I haven't even thought about pronghorn yet, ML elk for my daughter opens this weekend. Unfortunately she has duties as Fair Queen this weekend, so I'm pulling her out of school two days early and we're hunting the last four days of the season. Hope to find her a decent bull!
Why does antelope season happen so early in Colorado, I wonder??? It would be more appropriate the 2nd week of November in my opinion. Well, it is what it is, so the second thing after getting a speed goat down is gutting and skinning. (First is fill out the tag and get it on the quarry) Getting the hide off is paramount if it's warmer than 35 degrees. Last season it was 30 degrees and snowing, best antelope hunt ever.
All of ours but 2 are done and in the freezer. My wife, my self, and 3 of the friends I help out all scored on every tag. Very good hunting so far this year!
Now my old friend Steven L. is going to try in 1 week to fill his 2 tags. He is 82 years old and still out there hunting, but can't handle the dead game by himself anymore, so I offer him my help for all his draging packing gutting and skinning.
When he's done all our antelope hunting is done for 2019.
My friends Randy and John both got their 2 does each.
I got one buck and 2 does.
My wife got her 2 does.
My friend Len got his Buck.
So if Steven does well, we'll have 12 down butchered and frozen, ready for the winter. But all of it will end for us in 13 days.
That's when the 2019 season ends for all the tags we got. Only Steven L. has tags left to fill now.
Yeah, the wind is predicted to be pretty nasty on Saturday, 20 mph. Sunday is nicer weather, so if I can control myself till then......ha! Probably about 5:30 am Saturday I'll lose control and throw a lunch and water in the truck and head out east looking for a goat to stalk from downwind.;)

You ready to go?
Dang! You Wyomingites have it rough come antelope season.:D The fawn crop must have been good this year, it was on the Pawnee grasslands too. Grass is as green and tall as I have seen this time of year. Rancher that lets me hunt said they have a lot of goats. Here in Greenie Land (wink wink) it's tough to get more than one tag. Happy for ya!
Colorado Redneck said:
You ready to go?

Not really, I've been really busy at work living out of a hotel since May. I also have three hunters I'll try to get their tags filled before I hunt, my daughter, a friends son, and a hunting buddy from MO. I like helping people get their tags punched, and enjoy my daughter's success more than my own.

I've a doe tag in my back pocket, but if my daughter gets her buck I doubt I fill it. I simply don't need that much meat in the freezer to get us through a year. She's got an elk already this year and we're still eating on the pronghorn and four deer she killed last year (1 CO mulie & 3 OK whitetail). Plus I raised a beef last year that I kept half of and I usually buy a pig from my nephew once a year to keep in the mix.

So with only three of us in the house and me riding the rails 200+ days a year, we're pretty stocked up on protien. I get a tag more for the social aspect of things right now. We have a pretty good camp going with some great kids coming up, so it's more important for all of us that they are successful now so we have pack mules later. ;)
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When I hunt pronghorn I take a cooler with a couple of bags of ice in it. When I gut one a bag or two go into the cavity before it’s even loaded in the Jeep. Cool meat is good meat.
"Cool meat is good meat."
Amen to that! This year, if a goat perchance makes my hunt successful, it will get skinned, quartered, and go in a cooler on ice. Then home to hang in a bubba cooler made from an old fridge for a couple weeks. The game processor we have used for years closed their doors, so my lovely other half has kindly offered to help bone and grind and package the meat. She loves antelope meat.

Good luck to everybody going hunting! Hope to read about your hunts!
Deer archery started last Saturday (10-5) here in PA.
Temps in the 60s and windy.
Got my first doe 15 minutes after getting settled in the climber.
I have permits for 2 more does (different areas) and 1 statewide buck.

Once again (year 9) i was "unsuccessful" for my elk license. Grrr!!!
Told wife in no uncertain terms that i'm going out west next year come hell or high water!
She's worried that if i go west to hunt, i may not come back.
And she has a fair point! Lol
Sounds like you had a good hunt, Taylorce1!

Got a nice fat goat, she's hanging in the cooler (old fridge made into a cooler) at 35 degrees. Pitched one front quarter due to bloodshot. Never saw bloodshot that bad. She was a stubborn beast, took 1 round thru the lungs, she ran so shot again in the lungs, shot again as she was running and hit the right shoulder. That was probably around 350 yards and that put the brakes on. There were two holes in the ribcage either one of which shoulda done her in. 90 grn. ballistic tip at 3150 at the muzzle. Anyway, she had a lot more fat than any pronghorn to date. Lots of rain, lots of grass.