cornered rat

I sent in my check two weeks ago...why isn't my name on the list of sponsors!? More to the point, the banners on the Glocktalk page work, I think I will add one to my site.

PS: If my check never made it, I will re-send. What's the current # of pledges?
yeah, i was kinda wondering how we were doing on project. are people walkin' the walk, or, are they just talkin' the talk. hell, most people blow $50.00 w/o even knowing it. send your money in!!!

fiat justitia
Look at DC's topic re:Title 18,Section 241.I think it is a VERY worthy cause to put your money on.
I like the idea of FOUP.It's an In-Your-Face sort of thing but I'm not sure what it would accomplish beyond that.
DC's idea would shut these people and organigations down.
I love it!

Better days to be,

I'd love to take credit for it,
but actually "Menos" has been mentioning it. I looked into it and liked what I saw, and figured we ought to take a run at it. At Ed's suggestion, I contacted an attorney whose firm specializes in advancing conservative principles in the gov't, legal system and public forums.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Actually, if the group is for using the FOUP funds to pay for a suit based upon title 18, you have my permission to use my funds contributed to do so. I just want to do SOMETHING!

This is all way premature guys and in no way whatsoever intended to detract from FOUP.

We don't even know that Title 18 is a workable approach, but it deserves investigation.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Oleg, your check is in, and your name is now on the list, sorry for the delay.. I believe I picked up your check over the weekend

Donations are still trickling, but I hoping for a boost from an event next week in Atlanta...

What has really surprised me is the number of Less than $50 donations... I have a significant number of $10-$30 donations, and I can't help but think that when this ad runs, some of the $25 dollar people are going to regret not having their names on the list.... But, we appreciate any donation, obviously.


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited May 13, 1999).]
what is foup......someone educate me on this please and why is a donation required and what is it for.......tks fubsy.
Can we put up a link from TFL's pages to the FOUP website? Or maybe email our members? I'll bet a lot of the members here don't even know about it.
Hopefully, threads like this will make them aware of it.

Feel free to post a thread in the General Area as well.

Also, Eric at has made up a banner if anyone wants to use it, it is inthe rotation at his site and comes up quite often.

In the last month we have had over 500 visits to the site, so people are still chekcing us out. (though, 100 of them were probly CR looking for his name ;)).
532 times!

Seriously, I forwarded the info to the AR15 list and to Eric at -- not sure anything will come out of it...