FOUP Update....Let's get back to work!

Rob Pincus

New member
Okay guys, since the first week of FOUP I have recived less than 10 forms... I don't know what is going is on, but a WHOLE BUNCH of people who promised their support at the onset of this project have not stepped up to the plate.

On the good side, most of the people here at TFL who said they'd put in, are in.

On the Bad side, most of the people who have put in are from TFL.

I've have collected a few forms from locals and I am expecting more from some of my travels to come roling in. Also, I'll be addressing a large group of shooters from around the country next week.

As you may recall, it was my hope to have 25-35% of the total number of supporters needed by the end of April.. This would allow me to go to the NRA show with a STRONG showing of support and be able to convince certain players in the industry that this was going to happen with them or without them.. such a situation would almost guarantee their support and involvment. The way it looks, It'll be a miracle if we have 150 names by that time, forget 400.

I know that this project can be a success, but I'd hate to think that we need 8 months to recruit 1200 people.

I will be re-doubling my efforts on the local front, I know that some of you have plans to address your gun clubs and other groups, that is great!

The next thing is the hard part.. don't just put up some flyers or drop off some forms.. CLOSE people. We have taken on a big task here with FOUP.. the whole project is designed to energize the Gun-owning masses.. a group which can be agonizingly slow to act. We at TFL are the exception.. let's motivate our Brethren and get this statement out in the open.

If you don't see your name on the FOUP site at noon tomorrow, it means your form hadn't made it in by Noon on Monday, April 5th.

(BTW- the site will have the first 50 Charter Supporters on the main page and a link to a list of other supporters, when necessary)

Thanks for your continued support and energy.

I've been putting out the support forms and getting pledges. I don't know if any have carried through beyond the four whose names are already on the website.

Please send everyone through to the form for the address. The address alone is pretty useless, as the check needs to be accompanied byt he forms at the site (which have the address on them.)

Please check with you buddies at GSL and find out which one sent a company check.. I am not home and the signature was reportedly unreadable.. as stated many times, we cannot accept a company or organization name (The check is fine, but I cannot put "Guns Save Lives" on the ad.. get me a name).


Got a good solid pledge os upport from some key figures in the South Carolina DNR last night....
Hey Rob,
When will you be in TN speaking? I, as well as a couple of friends of mine, are reluctant to join out of fear this is just another money-draining attempt at furthering an agenda of extreme right views. I do however like the message behind FOUP and would like to know more. I have no problem with sending money and supporting a well thought out organization. I think I can speak for the majority of the TFL members when I say that before we atart standing behind somethinglike this, we wold like to see faces and not typed messages on the BBS. If you will be in TN in the next two weeks speaking I would love to come see you and bring some of my friends.

Keith Lerwick
Keith, this ain't got nothin' to do w/ any right-wing agenda. it's an ad in a newspaper,
showing the country that there are people out here in the real world that's going to take a stand, and say we don't like it, and we ain't
gonna take it no more. left-wing, right-wing,
no wing at all, if you're a gun owner, and believe that the government is taking your
right to keep and bear arms, then stand up and let your voice be heard. now that's my take on it, if i'm incorrect, will somebody please correct me!!!!

fiat justitia
I've been wanting to say this for years: The check's in the mail!

Hee, hee, hee...

Threw in a little extra...

Later, Art
Thanks, everyone, for the support with the checks. Now how about collaring er, convincing some offline friends to do the same? Rob, I'll find out about the GSL check.
I have been passing out copies or the check enclosure forms. I have made up labels that I put on all my mail. sample below.

Let our voices be heard

I don't know if there are any responses due to the labels or not but the word is getting out that way.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
I made up a sign that I post at my shooting point everytime I go to the range. It says: ASK ME ABOUT THE FIREARMS OWNERS UNIFICATION PROJECT. It also shows the web address. Last week I rigged up a box with a sign on it and filled it with supporter forms. I put it on the bench behind me for anybody who wants one. While I don't try to push myself on anyone, I have gotten some curious inquires and handed out quite a few forms. Hopefully they will be sent in.

Frankly I think the problem is the $50 cost. I know, we've already gone over this in previous threads. We are the ones who started this project. We are the true believers. However, getting "Joe average working stiff" to part with a sizable part of his hard earned money is proving to be tough. Many of the people I talk to are all for it until they ask "How much?" Then they lose interest in a hurry. I do my best to convince them, but it doesn't always work.

I need some help here. Anybody got some good tips on how to make the sale?
Hey Guys, sorry I;ve been OOT for a few days..

I've been in the South East (I live in TN, BTW, Kieth...) and have been getting a lot done, including some good things for FOUP.

In discussing the FOUP with the Director of PR for a large Handgun manufacturer, he told me about a phone call he got three months ago. It was a request from a semi-formal group in MO for the Warranty Card mailing list for the state.. they wanting to send out a "Get Out the Vote" type message to support the CCW Referrundum. WEll, the caller told this guy how the manufacturers don't do anything to support the owners (yeah right..), how they bever give any money back to supporting the legislative battles (BS!) and how it would be great if they would "finally" help out..

My buddy told the caller that he was wayyyy off, but he would be glad to help. the company's policy was not to let the mailing list out, but he asked the guy to send him the letter and he would send out the letter, at THE COMPANY's EXPENSE to all registered owners. The guy called back two days later and said the letter would be there in a week. The PR guy printed up thousands of labels and even had them affixed to envelopes (luckily, he did not have them stamped or run through the meter.!!!).. the letter never showed.. he even called the guy back about a month before the vote.. twice, and the guy never returned his calls...

It is that kind of "hey great Idea!!" with no follow up attitude that we seem to be encountering with FOUP. My advice (which I am planning to start abiding by after this raod trip...): Don't take "great idea" for answer.. take a check or ruffle some feathers.. don't be rude or lose a friendship, after all, it is $50, no a quarter or something.., but don't be afraid to put people on the spot a little.

(yes, I am going to ask the PR guy to send out a FOUP letter at dinner tonight.. (at least to all the labels in MO!).. but I think he will be hesitant, since it is asking for money.. but I've GOT to ask....)

keep up the good work...
I have talked to four gun shops 2 in Amarillo, TX and two the OKC, all seemed intrested.
I guess it is time to go and politic the Panhandle.

Keep the Faith and the Constitution
While browsing Charley Reese columns I found my way to the FiringLine and to FOUP and I am writing to say that I am in general agreement with what you are doing. In fact, as evidence of my support for FOUP I am signing the Advocacy Statement Support Form and am sending you a check today.

Now that you know that I am “with you” I would like to submit some constructive criticism for your consideration.

1. In the advocacy statement, the nominative pronoun “I” appears a couple of times and the nominative pronoun “we” (along with its possessive form “our”) appears several times. You can’t have it both ways. I suggest you stick with “we” and drop the “I.”

2. The words “guns” and “firearms” both appear in the advocacy statement. In terms of common usage they are certainly interchangeable, but if you want to eliminate the possibility of the misperception that FOUP is associated with GOA (Gun Owners of America), I suggest you substitute “firearms owners of America” for “gun owners of America.”

3. To maintain credibility, FOUP should avoid making idle threats, and I believe the statement contains a couple of obvious ones. “We will no longer tolerate the slow encroachment upon our right to keep and bear arms.” - is futile saber rattling. A bit like Saddam H. drawing lines in the sand. When FOUP has enough signatures and money to place the statement in USA Today, it will still be far short of having enough resources to stop the “slow encroachment upon our rights” and if you can’t stop it, then you must tolerate it. The final admonition, “We are ready to unite to defend all of those things.” is likewise an empty warning, because neither FOUP, nor the signatories, will, at the time the statement is published, have the resources to unite to “defend all of those things.”

4. You may think this is a nit, but as Mark Twain suggested, the difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and lightning bug. The penultimate sentence of the statement includes the expression “constitutional right,” but I submit that the correct expression is “constitutionally guaranteed right.” According to the Declaration of Independence, our rights come from God (“We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights...”). Our Constitution does not grant us rights, it merely guarantees that the government will not infringe on rights we already have.

5. In the opening sentence of the statement (“No More Restrictions”) the use of the word “restrictions” invites argument. There are those who would insist that while the 20,000 gun control laws on the books today may constitute “restrictions,” they do not constitute “infringements,” and “infringement” is what the Second Amendment precludes (...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”). I suggest you go with the word selected by the Founding Fathers, and replace your word “restrictions” with their word “infringements.”

6. As a way to get more exposure for FOUP, and to solicit signatures, you should consider submitting the statement to E-The People as a letter or petition. If you’re not familiar with E-The People, check them out at
(Unfortunately there is no issue category titled “Bill of Rights,” but such items often appear in the “other” category).

7. Finally, when my check arrives, you will note that it is for $25, not $50 as you requested. I’m willing to donate $25 to support your project, even though you will not include me as a signatory because I fall below the $50 threshold. But I submit that you are probably missing out on the revenue from a lot of supporters who would not spend $50, but would spend $25 if (and only if) their names could be included.

Good luck with your project.

Thanks for your support...

I appreciate your input and invite you to research the earlier threads on this topic here at TFL, which have addressed many of your concerns...

Thank you for your support and for your comments and concerns. I will try to answer some of them.

1. In the advocacy statement, the nominative pronoun “I” appears a couple of times and the nominative pronoun “we” (along with its possessive form “our”) appears several times. You can’t have it both ways. I suggest you stick with “we” and drop the “I.”

What you suggest here is definitely correct usage. However, on reading the ad once again and substituting we in the appropriate places, it does not seem to scan as well to me.

2. The words “guns” and “firearms” both appear in the advocacy statement. In terms of common usage they are certainly interchangeable, but if you want to eliminate the possibility of the misperception that FOUP is associated with GOA (Gun Owners of America), I suggest you substitute “firearms owners of America” for “gun owners of America.”

Many if not most of the people we are targeting with this ad have likely never ever heard of the GOA.

3. To maintain credibility, FOUP should avoid making idle threats, and I believe the statement contains a couple of obvious ones. “We will no longer tolerate the slow encroachment upon our right to keep and bear arms.” - is futile saber rattling. A bit like Saddam H. drawing lines in the sand. When FOUP has enough signatures and money to place the statement in USA Today, it will still be far short of having enough resources to stop the “slow encroachment upon our rights” and if you can’t stop it, then you must tolerate it. The final admonition, “We are ready to unite to defend all of those things.” is likewise an empty warning, because neither FOUP, nor the signatories, will, at the time the statement is published, have the resources to unite to “defend all of those things.”

Was the Declaration of Independence an "idle threat.?" When Thomas Jefferson penned those words he certainly did not possess the resources to back them up. His words, his idle threats, helped develop the necessary resources. His "line in the sand" united the colonists. That is the purpose of our statement: To develop the climate of unity among firearms owners. It is a call for the end of apathy and disunity among the 80 million firearms owners of America. We do possess the resources and the strength to stop the pro-tyrrany and pro-criminal forces in their tracks. All we lack is unity.

4. You may think this is a nit, but as Mark Twain suggested, the difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and lightning bug. The penultimate sentence of the statement includes the expression “constitutional right,” but I submit that the correct expression is “constitutionally guaranteed right.” According to the Declaration of Independence, our rights come from God (“We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights...”). Our Constitution does not grant us rights, it merely guarantees that the government will not infringe on rights we already have.

I will freely stipulate that you are entirely correct in this statement. However, this is not the current usage amongst the majority of our fellow citizens. Sadly, their education is lacking in the history of our country and its institutions. The core of the problem here is not the right word but the fact that the majority of the readers of USA Today would not understand the nuances of the right word. It would only confuse them and divert attention from the purpose of the ad.

5. In the opening sentence of the statement (“No More Restrictions”) the use of the word “restrictions” invites argument. There are those who would insist that while the 20,000 gun control laws on the books today may constitute “restrictions,” they do not constitute “infringements,” and “infringement” is what the Second Amendment precludes (...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”). I suggest you go with the word selected by the Founding Fathers, and replace your word “restrictions” with their word “infringements.”

This can be argued in the reverse also. We could get caught up in semantics forever.

6. As a way to get more exposure for FOUP, and to solicit signatures, you should consider submitting the statement to E-The People as a letter or petition. If you’re not familiar with E-The People, check them out at
(Unfortunately there is no issue category titled “Bill of Rights,” but such items often appear in the “other” category).

I'll do so. Thanks. How about spreading the word to any other lists and forums you frequent?

7. Finally, when my check arrives, you will note that it is for $25, not $50 as you requested. I’m willing to donate $25 to support your project, even though you will not include me as a signatory because I fall below the $50 threshold. But I submit that you are probably missing out on the revenue from a lot of supporters who would not spend $50, but would spend $25 if (and only if) their names could be included.

Well, we wanted the names to be legible without magnifying glasses.

[This message has been edited by Spartacus (edited April 20, 1999).]