FOUP at the Ducks Unlimited Festival

Rob Pincus

New member
Teh Ducks Unlimited Great Outdoors festival is about two weeks away.

It is the largest consumer outdoors show in the country.

SEveral weeks ago a few TFL members expressed an interest in recruiting supporters for The Firearms Owners Unification Project while attending the event.
If anyone would still like to do this, please let me know.

If you are a newer TFL memember and not familar with FOUP, check it out here:

damn, i went to FOUP site and there hasn't been but 800 and some odd hits. we're really gonna have to do better than we're doing if we're going to get this ad printed sometime
this century. i'll make a extra effort at rounding up some more folks, hope y'all will
do the same.............................

fiat justitia
I have a problem with how long it is taking to raise the money for FOUP. There are 1400 registered members of TFL 200 MORE THEN WE NEED TO RUN THE AD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My $50 is there is yours? Folks we have an chance to do something here, but the time is now!! Hold back some of your kids lunch money and send it to FOUP :)
I'm there! Just tell me what you need me to do. Like I said before the festival is practicaly in my backyard. I've arranged to take Friday off and will be avalible for all three days. My heart belongs to FOUP and for those three days you can have the rest of me too! :)

To All,
With the current run of anti-gun hysteria brough on by the Littleton incident, the antis are in a feeding frenzy. We need to print FOUP as soon as possible. Yes, $50 is alot of money for most of us. Believe me, I understand. With the current situation this could well be the most important $50 you will ever spend. Bite the bullet if need be, but get those checks and support forms in.

And to all of those who say they are tired of hearing members of this board pissing and moaning and believe its time to fight. I say put up or shut up.
Gray, I'm counting on you. I'l be there working several projects (my livelyhood...) but I will be devoting some serious time to FOUP as well.

Longhair, note the date on that counter, The sounter was reset after our first big rush of interest. It was over 2000 visits when I reset it.
