Found this on the state firearms webpage


New member
This is for people in California to volunteer to regeister there firearms but they want you to pay a $14 fee for processing. Is that retarded or what? If I were nice enough to do
it, which I'm not, why should I have to pay for it? Does it not help them out rather than me? Sorry if I ramble but this just bothered me.
What a surprise. "We'll violate the Second and Fifth Amendments, and make *you* pay for the privilege."

I'd say it's about time for The Big One to hit. Any refugees that want to relocate to Colorado, let me know.

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson
What a bunch of maroons...
Yeah right I would run right up to do a voluteer registration !
It just dosen't stop does it?

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.

[This message has been edited by loknload (edited January 07, 2000).]
If I was predident of this united states I'd tell california to get of the pot and go get in bed with russia and china and cuba where you belong,because you don't belong with the rest of the U.S. California polititions and alot of the People that live their, Act like a bunch of sunshine nazis. If someone offered me twice the salary I was making here I would not live their. Hell. you couldn't pay me enough to go their I would rather go to cuba at least they practise there beliefs in the open. discusting state or Cal. I would be ashamed to live in a state that is that communist.
If you were President, you could free the good people of California by enforcing the U.S. Constitution.

Dang! THAT would be fun to watch! :D
Know how you feel about CA. Unfortunately I live here. Always figured the solution to our problem was to have a great earthquake along the san andreas. Everything to the left should fall into the ocean, taking out LA & San Fran. Then the rest of the state would be in fairly good shape. (Sorry DC, guess you'll just have to move your farm on the other side)


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.