Found swaged .375-.380 balls for .36 calib.

Thanks, I need 380 ball, but they do not make it easy to buy from them.

List, but no ordering system.

Ah, well, I e-mailed them, they will either get back to me or not. My local guy is supposed to be ordering them, whether he can get them or not, will find out tomorrow.

'Bout to mash these 375s with a mallet to make them bigger, shoot the damned thing. They're worthless, otherwise. Be kinda like sendin' a pancake down the barrel though, wouldn't it?


George, I think when I get ready to order I'll just give them a call and see whats going on and maybe get a feel for the company. They may just be small and don't even have ordering on line yet.If they are truly swaged they will be worth it. I have done alot of searching and this is the first swaged balls for the .36 that I've found. The price seems fair to me anyway, Mike
I don't know if this would work or not but you might give it a try rather than shooting pancakes, :p
Drop in your powder charge then a wad, then the 375 ball, then another greased wad over the top. It probably won't be too accurate, so I would shoot close range, but that could be a way to shoot up those 375's.

The prob is, I think they would back out from recoil. 36 prob doesn't recoil all that much, but with a free, greased ball, prob would slide forward from what there is.


Yeah, your probably right about that. I hadn't thought about there being enough recoil with the 36 to back the ball out of the cylinder with just a wad over the top. Better safe than sorry. I wonder if you could use a patched ball kind of loading like with a rifle? Would the patch hold the ball tight enough in the cylinder to keep it from backing out under recoil?
Another option is to just keep the lead and re-cast it if you can find a mold that will cast in the correct size.

That is an option I would like to explore. My son-in-law's dad can sit in front of his melting pot and cast all day,

Should I get him a 380 and a 451 or 454 double cavity mould, I'm sure he would cast me at least as many as I could ever shoot. Hell, might even get him to come help me shoot them.

He's an old fart, 67 or something, I ain't even 61 for a couple months, yet. He shoots a hell of a lot more than I do, pins every Monday, and shoots 23, 24, even 25 out of 25.

Course he's shootin' a Ruger 44 mag 10 1/2 inch SS (I have one , too, just don't care to shoot it, BP is more fun.) Then, too, he shoots a TC single shot 44 Mag for comp.

I think he'd get a kick out of the 58 Army. Got to check on the trimwork carpenters tomorrow. Then, gotta go to the range. Know the old fart goes Monday mornings.


If they got 380 ball, swaged or cast, gimme a holler, I'll buy about 300 for a start. Just wish I could buy caps for a little less, best price is Cabela's, 3.29 per hundred. Standard pistol/rifle primers is about 2.20.


Hey, Mike and Key,

Thanks, went to Barkerstown again, re-mailed them, copied their phone # this time, will probably call.

Their prices are actually more than reasonable. I've paid more locally, and I have paid more, and shipping to boot, for RB. Only reason for that was I was ordering springs and screws, an ounce at the most, but still 2 handling, and 6 shipping. Screw'm, throw 3 boxes of balls in there. Cost 75 cents more for the pkg with the balls than just the 1 ounce package.

This is one screwed up 36. Arbor is about 1/8 inch short, wedge is extremely loose. Looks as though it has never been fired. Mebbe because the prior owner said Whoa, ain't no way I will shoot that thing.

Ah, poop, gonna have to get some welding done, then a whole bunch of fitting. There goes my whole winter. Not gonna be able to sit in front of the boob tube.

What we will go through.

