Found some #12 shot.

Deja vu

New member
I found a huge box of #12 shot for dirt cheep at a yard sale (first of the year). I paid $10.00 for it and its weighs about a little under 30LBS. It has the shot in a large plastic box with 3 empty bags inside just laying in the shot, marked (Ballistic Products #12 chilled lead shot) I think it must of come in 10LBS bag as the bags are marked 10LBS and there is a little less than 30LBS in the box :p
When I asked the guy at the yard sale he said he found it at a yard sale last year and bought it and did not know what to do with it.

First of all what the heck will I ever do with #12 shot especially 30LBS of it. Next is that a good deal? I was thinking of just using it for my Lead Slead bench for rifle shooting.

My Brother has a 10ga that would be fun to load up with a lot of this shot and shoot paper. :eek: Out side of novelty I cant think of a good reason to have it but it tickled my fancy at the yard sale.

Can it be used as buffering material?
Ballistic Products (BPI) carries #12 lead shot for $39/10# bag. IINM, it's used for handgun snake shot loads. It's a little expensive to be used for buffering.
#12 is called "dust shot" for a reason. It's used in 22 shotshells because they're so tiny that larger shot wouldn't pack in. It's extremely limited in range and penetration.

CCI's 9mm shotshells use it for space reasons, but all the other shotshell handgun cartridges use #9 shot for improved ballistics.

It's too heavy to use as a buffer. Since I doubt that you'll be reloading any 22 rimfire shotshells, I'd either use it as ballast or melt it down for the raw lead.
Yes ago I had a jar of #12 shot, loaded some handgun snake loads up, but one oz of 12's at a station 8 low house really dusted the bird. Fun! I also had so #5 two bags that laid around for years, I finally dumped them in the lead pot and sent them down range.