Found pretty good charity donation for military vets and their from outdoor store

I really wish a lot of the bigger outdoor retailers would follow suit and do some similar donation but I found that OpticsPlanet is donating a portion of each purchase to a charity that supports military vets and their families. This is something that is very close to my heart, so I thought I'd share:

Operation Gift

Semper Fi
Its all good,and I respect where you are coming from.

IMO,if our Federal Government and VA and other bureaucrats would simply keep the promises made,and give what the Veterans earned and are entitled too,this "Need for Charity" would greatly diminish.

I'll get stumbled up in words,but it just is messed up to place the Honorable Service of Veterans as a path to charity.

I don't know the program,Optics Planet may be doing the right thing.

I remember Desert Storm days when "We Support the Troops " was being used to sell everything from Mikkee-D's to oil changes .
I'm not so sure about marketing campaigns that exploit the troops.

Not to take anything away from supporting troops...but maybe giving directly to Fisher House,or Wounded Warrior,or Troops,or any other valid organization thats helping...yes,there is a need.

I might be wrong,but thats my take. From the heart,its all good. Look deeper.
See how much goes where. And why.
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