Found a use for those stupid birds!


New member
I don't know what kind of birds they are, but this time of year we get hundreds no, thousands of these small black birds that fly over town in large groups. Always considered them as just pests, noisy and messy.
Well, I found a use for them. When hunting upland game, quail & dove especially, I have a hard time concentrating on just one bird when it's in a crowd.
The other night sitting out on the deck my son and I started playing a game. When a flock of a couple hundred of the stupid things start flying over, pick out one and keep your eye on it until it's out of sight. Not sure if this exercise will work, guess I'll find out when the season opens!
Better yet follow them with a shotgun barrel, this would be more effective and help in you're eye , lead and swing thru. Kinda like dry firing with a moveing bird. The best thing it costs nothing and nothing dies or gets wounded.

these small black birds that fly over town in large groups.

It would he;lp to know what teh bird was but if it is a crow or grackle they would make great practice birds special the grackle since it is more closer to the size of a large dove and flies similiar to them.
If you can set up some sort of "range marker" out around 30 yards, it will help your judgement about shots to take, shots to pass up...

Amazing, the blank look on a guy's face when he cuts loose with #8 from an improved cylinder at a 50-yard dove, and you explain the problem...

:), Art
Sounds like starlings. Going after them -- when roosted in the trees -- with a spring piston air rifle is inexpensive and rewarding target practice. Where I come from, starlings are unprotected; no closed season, and no bag limit. When they cluster in the thousands you mention, typically right before dusk, it's possible to take quite a few.
Same here in TN--TWRA lists them as free unlimited killing along w/: ground sparrows, groundhogs, armadillos, coyotes, some crazy thing I've never heard of, and crows on Fri, Sat, and Sun.
They are Grackles.

The Grackel population has exploded in the last 5 years.

Black bird with bright eyes and a weirdly iridescent black plumage.