Found A New Ranch Gun.....


New member
Went in to browse my LGS store this morning. Had no intention of getting a gun, more to shoot the bull and look at what I may need later on.....:D

Saw a new blued Taurus 941 .22 magnum with a 2 1/2 inch barrel and adjustable sights. I have never been a Taurus fan per se, but I asked to see it. .22 magnum is a perfect ranch gun here in Tennessee. Mostly for possums that get in the barn and snakes along my fence line.

The trigger, much to my surprise, is better than two S&W revolvers I own. After some tough negotiating, I walked out with the new Taurus for a bargain. I then got on EBay and found some Taurus wood grips for $ 24.00 to replace the rubber Taurus grips that came on the gun. With a little luck, I hope I got a good one and not a lemon. If so, it will be on my belt around the ranch and in the Kawasaki Mule from now on.
Well I wish you the best. I had one with 4 inch barrel, it felt good but had such a horrible trigger you couldnt hit the broad side of a barn with it.

From your description maybe they upgraded the triggers.
The 22 mag in a short barreled handgun definitely helps give it a little more authority. I have no use fore most 22LR for a work gun, but the magnum brings it back up to 22LR rifle ballistics. Nice find, sounds like it would be a nice companion while fishing too.
There quality control can most certainly be questionable but as far as good running pistols I have always had good luck with the few that have had stable time in my safe. Their relovers seem to be better than auto pistols.
Well, the 22 magnum in a short barrel will give it some authority for sure. Especially if you shoot it at night, it will light up the world and all will take notice, kinda like a 454 Casull.
i have a six inch barrel on my 22 mag and that isn't long enough to burn all the powder up when fired, I expect a much larger flash from a 2 inch barrel. may be you could post some pictures taken at night.
I have had a number of Taurii and only had trouble with one. My only consistent complaint is that some have had stiff triggers. If yours has a good trigger, chances are you just got a nice gun for not much cash. :)
new blued Taurus 941 .22 magnum with a 2 1/2 inch barrel and adjustable sights.

Years ago, I bought this same revolver for a daughter who lived alone at the time (now married with a couple of sons). I opted for the .22 Magnum because recoil is an issue with her and she doesn't enjoy shooting that much to start with. It's still her "house" gun and the only gun they have (my son-in-law isn't much interested in shooting either).
In some ways I thought this gun was "right" for her but I've never been completely confident about depending on any rimfire cartridge for self-defense (it does have eight shots going for it :)). I've shot it enough to know that it's plenty accurate. I do wish the trigger in da mode (the way it most likely will be used if need, God forbid, be) was lighter.
Just be sure to give it a good cleaning and then take her shooting. Be sure to check double action and single action to make sure the gun will shoot all chambers. A full size 22 revolver can be fun to shoot outdoors, I enjoy shooting 2 liters filled up with water. Hope you got a good one, my Taurus experience is not so good.
The 22 mag in a short barreled handgun definitely helps give it a little more authority. I have no use fore most 22LR for a work gun, but the magnum brings it back up to 22LR rifle ballistics. Nice find, sounds like it would be a nice companion while fishing too.

According to "Ballistics by the Inch" website a CCI 40gr. JHP 22 Mag is moving around 150 fps faster than a 36gr. HP Mini Mag. out of that 2 1/2" barrel. While that dose not sound like alot it's a major gain for a bullet in that weight and velocity range.
If you have to use it, it will deafen you and any one close. HAD a long barrel Mod. 48 with a scope ... thought it would be a good "squirrel gun in a holster." ..boy was I wrong.. HAD a high Standard MK IV sentinel ..Great gun.. If you shoot it without your ear protection on, Shot a running mouse at 8'....lucky shot ... It will ring your bell...least it did to me..
Years ago, I lived and worked on a small ranch in Mn. I often shot gophers, porcupines a few grouse and put down a couple dogs with 22 handguns and was never impressed with their performance. I started carrying the little 3.5 inch 22 mag I bought for the wife and was pretty impressed with the difference the the mag made. A little harder on the ears but one lives, you can always keep a couple ear plugs in your pocket if you have time before you shoot.
Years ago I had a High Standard Sentinel in 22 mag. I'm not sure how long the barrel was but I think 4"; it was so loud I couldn't stand to shoot it even once without hearing protection.

Of course I can't think of any handguns I have that I would care to shoot without hearing protection, it would have to be one heck of an emergency. Possums and such don't threaten me that much. While I often carry a sidearm at the ranch, my real go to is either a 22 rifle or a shotgun. I always have one or both nearby.