Found .223 ammo today at Bass Pro


New member
Stopped by Bass Pro in Sgf. MO and they had one ammo box of .223 on the shelf. Clerk said they stocked 60 ammo cans this morning and I bought last one at noon. 160 rounds of winchester fmj and 40 rounds of winchester pdx1 defender for $119

ok price i guess considering...
I bought 10 boxes of 5.56 there last week for $12.49 a box. Too high, but it was Bass Pro in the middle of a panic.

Stack it deep when you can cause it ain't getting any better for a while.
Stopped by BassPro today as it was next to Staples and I needed some office stuff. Totally clean of handgun ammo except for some HP 45 ACP and some 410 Judge stuff.

Interesting, the shevles are clean of slugs and 00 for the shotguns.