Fort Knox, KY hunting


New member
Anybody had much luck at Fort Knox? I got drawn with a buddy way back when i was a hard charging Armor LT, but havent heard much from the place in recent years. Still a big deer safehaven? Still shotgun/muzzleloader only? I am looking to re-enter the draw in 2019.
I did some bow hunting there last year and also got drawn for a late season gun hunt. On my bowhunt weekend I had a doe come in behind me that I could not get drawn on so came away empty handed. On my gun hunt weekend I saw nothing. I am not military so I got last pick at areas and the top three areas that I had scouted and wanted to hunt were full so I had to go to my last option. One of my best friends has been scouting a different area and was able to kill a doe. There are still several big deer that come off the Fort Knox property. I just have not put in enough time to make it happen. Being a Dad sometimes takes precedence over scouting and hunting a new piece of ground lol!!