forming a corporation in order to purchase...


New member
I think I'm going to bite the bullet and purchase my first Class III item soon, probably a suppressed Ruger .22.

I've asked my local city Police Chief and he does not sign Class III forms for anyone apparently.

I'm unable to kiss ass, so I'm writing off my chances of getting a LEO to sign off for me.

Could someone give me the scoop on forming a corporation in order to avoid having to go through the hassle of getting the LEO sign-off? I'm planning to give my attorney a call on Monday and I would like to be able to intelligently explain to him what I want to accomplish.


I had some professionals do mine for me :

Took a month but except for the modest fee they charge, it was painless.

Basically, you fill out a form with all the details - name of corp, type of busines, address, etc. do a check with the state records to see if another corp has that same name - if not, file with the Sec'y Of State (or whoever) the intention to form a corporation, and send the required fee. A few days/weeks later the state sends you your articles of incorporation.

Your attorney should be able to help with the subtleties of TX law.
I've asked my local city Police Chief and he does not sign Class III forms for anyone apparently
Might be cheaper to ask the lawyer to see if the county sheriff is considered the chief law enforcment officer like they are in many other states.
Good advice.

I've been told that our county sheriff does indeed sign for Class III items. I think I'll go that route and save the $$ for forming a LLC.
It is good to remember that there are several people that can sign as the CLEO. This is especially important if your sheriff is in an elected position and you may wind up with one that will not sign later on.
Yes, it kind of makes sense if you think about it, a division of labor and specialization.

In our county the sheriff is the one who operates the pistol permit certification office and so has all the software in place for background checks by the thousands. He has several secretaries whose do background checks full time with a good bit of his budget related to such customer service operations. Then of course he gets a fingerprinting fee. :D
Whats the deal with the chief not signing for class 3's?

It's a deal that's been around as long as the NFA has been in existance and will remain around as long as CLEO's have a political agenda or are just ignorant about the NFA process.
I had the same problem when trying to get the Chief of the local PD to sign my form. He said he didn't do them and I had to go (next door) to the Troopers. Troopers said that I lived in the City limits so the local PD was CLEO. Back to the local PD, no go.

I then called the DA and set up an appointment with her. She was new and we had a nice talk. She said she would look into it.

Got a call from her for another appointment. During the interum I talked to others that were trying to get forms signed (and some that had forms signed). Come to find out the Chief was being selective on who he signed for. (not a good thing to do)

When I talked to the Local DA the second time she told me that the AG had put out the word to all CLEO's not to sign any forms. And some other tidbits of info.

I said to her that with the Chief selectively signing forms and the AG putting out that word (in direct contrast to State Laws and Regs) it sounded like there would be good reason for a Class Action by those trying to get their forms signed. She just laughed and said "Wouldn't it.... I'm not going to be named am I?"

Though she didn't sign my form (as she was uncomfortable being so new on the job) I told her no.

Past what I learned on to another (who already had a couple Class III but couldn't get the Chief to sign for another). He was going to contact other and get something moving.

Luckily I got transfered to another State. The Sheriff talked to me for about 10 minutes and then signed my form. Nice guy.

The moral of my story is that if no one will sign your form there is another option. Legal Action. I would think the Chief wouldn't talk kindly to being named in a 2d Admendment (Federal) and Whatever Statute (State) Violation law suit.

Also, he may be under the impression that if he signs he could be held responsible if you go ballistic. Inform him that all he is signing is that he has no information that you are a prohibited person and that to the best of his knowledge you do not pose any threat.
The moral of my story is that if no one will sign your form there is another option. Legal Action. I would think the Chief wouldn't talk kindly to being named in a 2d Admendment (Federal) and Whatever Statute (State) Violation law suit.

It is cheaper to go corporate, about 100x faster, and you are guaranteed of winning. I also think the courts have ruled the CLEO does not have to sign, so it would be thrown out on the first motion.