
New member
O.K. Who's the real expert out there on
FORM 1 issues.

I see this new device that replaces the back cover plate on the slide of a Glock. It converts the pistol to select fire.

1. Can you legally convert any pistol (ala
H&K semi to select fire) via FORM 1?

2. Do you have to use a pre 1986 Glock to do
it or can a current model be used?

Form 1?

First, thanks to Bush, you can't legally manufacture a selective fire weapon unless its for law enforcement, the military or overseas sale.

If you were a Class II manufacturer, then it is irrelevant as to the date of the receiver. Any other questions may be directed to our close and dear friends from ATF (remember, they're from Washington and they're here to help). Toll free #1-800-283-4867.
Here's the scoop on those Glock FSS items. First, I have heard that some overseas joints will sell them to you, charge your card & even send it off to you. There are some major legal issues here -- first and foremost, can you own the FSS backplate? While I am no attorney, the answer is probably yes. Can you own the backplate and a Glock pistol that it fits on? No. That would allow ATF to prove intent to manufacture a new machinegun & you would be looking at 10 years and 10,000$.

So... why are they marketing those devices here if they can't sell them here? First, I suppose they're marketing them on the internet and that's not necessarily "here". There are only a few legal ways that you can purchase and use one of those devices here in the USA:

1. Be a law enforcement agency (not individual officer)
2. Be a military entity (again, not individual soldier, squib, jarhead, etc.)
3. Be a Title II manufacturer who is making a *new* gun using the existing part for either 1 or 2 above.
4. Be an FFL/SOT who is bringing in a sales sample for 1 or 2 above to evaluate. You may not bring in the sample unless you get a letter from 1 or 2 indicating they want you to get one for evaluation purposes. Once you give up your FFL/SOT, you've got to give up what is called a "post-sample" machinegun. Yes, even just that itty-bitty little piece.

So... is there a legal way for most people to get a Full Auto Glock? No. I do not believe there are any Glock 18's on the registry, but I could be mistaken.

It's almost humerous that the only way you can bring in one of those backplates is if you're Law Enforcement or Military -- I'm quite sure this part voids any warranty Glock will offer on these pistols and the liability of using something that is, essentially, an "aftermarket" machinegun converstion is not something that would fly very well in litigation.

danbrew :->

[This message has been edited by danbrew (edited 11-28-98).]
I did call the ATF and they said it wouldn't fly.

Of course, he also told me that you can't legally convert a semi-auto H&K to select-fire with a registered sear.(OH-TAY!)

The person I talked to is not my usual contact at ATF. I will try later and see if he has anything different to say.

I know they don't write the laws, but, I can
legally own a GE electric gatling gun, or a 20 MM Vulcan cannon or etc., but someone in Washington D&C is going to get their panties in a wad if we can get the select-fire back plate for a Glock?!?!?!? HOO-YA!

I can just hear the argument from the g-g-gun f-f-f-fear c-c-crowd now. "well, why on earth do you need something like that?"

a. Because it's fun.
b. I don't have one of those toys yet.
c. I have varmits that carry disease in my
neighborhood. (wink, wink)

When are they going to get on the shotgun or knife bandwagon. If they only could figure out how many millions of people have been seriously injured, crippled or killed with knives or improvised stabbing or cutting weapons, they would f-f-f-f-f-faint.