Forgotten Pistolas


New member
I've had so many irons in the fire these past 15 years I havn't gottin around to firing these, I plumb forgot I had em, Retired now, and sortin out my gatherins. I came across these in the bottom of a trunk, I gotta get out more LOL I should dirty em up.


I think you should get them dirty..again. Make a little smoke. Doesn't look like being stored in the holsters caused any grief, it can if things aren't dry. Nice lookin' holsters too. Did you make them?
I bought the holsters from a maker in Gladewater, Texas who goes by: G.E.K.
I didn't store the pistols in the leather, they were stored in the box they came in, The grips on the London Navy were custom made and fitted by Bar S grips. Both of em never been fired. I've got a bunch of unfired stuff, no good place around here to shoot em, I'm lookin to move soon now that I quit workin and maybe I'll have a decent place to burn some powder :-)
Well after you get moved maybe you can hook up with a local club. That's a problem. Most indoor ranges around here are not set up for exhausting the smoke. I'd rather shoot outside anyway, except in bad weather. Whoever is selling black powder will know about the local activity. Good luck and keep in touch here. :)