Forgive my self-indulgence, I just had to do it


Moderator Emeritus
I posted on Rosie board:

Let's try to recall all of this:
After Littleton, Rosie said ALL gunowners should be in prison; there is NO reason to own a gun; guns should only belong to the police and military; "I don't care that its legal".
Then she demonized the NRA for controlling the gov't, a legal lobby PAC, that is not as she says the biggest...try AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) which technically consists of all you over 55 folks...then there is the National Dairy Council, Beef Producers, AFL-CIO, etc etc.....but I digress...she then condemns the NRA for exercising 1st Amendment rights. Legal for her and her causes but no for opposing views? Wonder how Rosie would think 30 years ago about the NAACP...New York Micks aren't exactly friends of Afro-Americans.

Tom Selleck does one ad for NRA and he is THE SPOKESMAN...Rosie does many ads for K-Mart (in her eyes an obvious death merchant for selling guns) and she is NOT A SPOKESPERSON?

After spewing all this venom against people who have committed no crimes, who are your neighbors, co-workers, friends, church members, who are of all religions, colors and ethnic persuasions, all sort of job descriptions, all law abiding taxpayers...she and you people are soooo confused about her innocent statements?
All of you people who demonstrate an appalling lack of civic education and understanding of the basic precepts of your own country are crying your big ol crocodile tears because your trite past time has been infringed a public forum by the way.

So please tell me something...after all this settles, how will you feel about the people who never did anything wrong and you vilified and slandered them? Kiss and make up? You didn't really mean all those nasty things you said? Or does responsibility for words only apply to those you don't agree with?

Think about, and maybe, if you can read, take a remedial course in American gov't and Civics. And, be ashamed of yourselves for such banal hero worship and lack of independent thought."

Yeah I'm a bad girl :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I too read that thread, but the server was way too sluggish to respond (minutes with no change).

I made a few posts and was surprised to see that I had recieved an email as a result. Oddly, it was a supportive pat on the back which I wasn't expecting. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy, just like Rosie would want.
Yikes! Remind me not to piss you off, DC....


"Just because you are paranoid doesn't
mean that they AREN'T out to get you."
KickAss, Little Sister. re: Rosie & K-Mart, clearly her ethics don't get in the way of a paycheck,but it sure shows just what kinda 'ho she is. We had it backwards (well, not really) when we were blasting K-Mart over her, we shoulda been laying into her to quit them, Death Merchants that they are. You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think.
I may have been baited, but so what.... maybe a lurker will be affected.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>ma24 (can't see your name, so I hope I got it right.)
You wrote:


That is all that is being proposed. But let me ask you something,
are you so egotistical and so one-sided that you believe your
right, the right to bear arms (written by a whole different group of
individuals who did not have the problems that we have been
dealing with, who didn't have other forms of protection, whose
rights to bear arms were mainly put in place to protect themselve,

Please go back and read the Declaration of Independence, and see just how
many of those crimes enumerated against the king relate to our current

Then understand that the 2nd Amendment was not placed in the Bill of Rights
to grant hunting or target shooting priveleges. All of the rights listed in the Bill
of Rights are there as an enumeration of pre-existing rights. Specifically,
because of their experience with the government that they eventually parted

In order to prevent such oppression and tyranny from happening again, there

1) Freedom of speech. This does not mean irresponsible expression. As Rosie
stated, in essence, it is not responsible behaviour to yell "Fire" in a theater.
Unfortunately, we have seen much in the way of unpunished irresponsible
reporting, and the degredation of high moral standards and character, all in
the name of "Free speech".

This means the freedom to speak out against oppression, against a
government gone astray. History shows us that oppressive governments will
not stand for open speech against it, and punishes those who would expose
its various crimes against it's "subjects" and incite them to rectify the
situation, which brings us to the next amendment...

2) The right to keep and bear arms. This does not mean the irresponsible use
of weapons, such as the rash of school shooting that have ocurred, nor does
it mean (as stated already) the right to hunt or target shoot. But definately
for self preservation, and on the broader scope, to retain the means to fight
back and restore an ordered government. This means (don't get all caught up
on this statement) that we have within our possession the very weaponry
that would be standard military issue of the time. Does that mean nuclear
weapons? Absolutely not. Does it mean an m-16 automatic rifle? Yes. For
without the means to return a government to its former state we remain
subjected to its perverse will.

Everything else related to these two amendments is secondary.

If a government is truly of the people and for the people, then the people
need to be able to ,first of all, talk about its oppressive practices (should it
happen) without the fear of reprisal, then have the power (force, if by no
other way) to return that same government back to its cage.

You can't tame a lion with a piece of straw.

You may not agree with these statements, but I would invite you to read and
study the Constitution that our politicians pay so much lip service to. I still
am, and it has not been an easy thing to do. But, I am learning so much about
the intent of the Founding Fathers concerning the direction they desired this
country to take.

Of course, Ben Franklin said (and I hope I quote the words correctly), "We've
given you a Republic, if you can keep it."

DC & John/az2,
I tried to follow your links and only got "Page not found". Hmmm.. I think you hit a nerve. Keep up the good work! :)
I got the same thing there as Greyfox. I then attempted to check on the pro gun thread I started there and got the same thing.
I guess our first amendments rights are also being infringed in Rosieland.

Yep, the moderators over there have awakened...apparently they are going to change the format as well ;)....told ya, I so love plinking ground squirrels

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"