Forgive me, members, for I have sinned...


New member
But I'm in good company!

Hunter S. Thompson (gonzo journalist and wonderfully whacko gentleman) speaking to the New York Post, on his support of President Clinton:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> of my greatest tactical errors in politics... I don't want to go down in history or have my son read that his father endorsed Clinton two times.

I had no idea what a treacherous bastard he really is. I'm shocked he went so low. You'd think after grappling with Richard Nixon that you would know where the low road is, ... but Clinton's treachery is really sleazy. It's his character defects. I think Clinton will prove to be one of the great fascists of our time.[/quote]

Maybe it's the thin air up here in Colorado, but at least Thompson and I came to our senses eventually!
Oh, Ye of little political fortitude...Thou shalt be banished from the gun garden and shalt go about on Thy belly like a serpent until Thy liberalism is become like dust!

The gospel according to Mikey
I am pleased to announce that I never supported him-not for one second. The first thing I heard about him was that he was a draft dodger and that did it for me.
Think about it -if he had taken his turn in life's lottery maybe one of my "people" would have come home.

Better days to be,

I to son must confess of my sins.... Although I did not directly vote for the BS... I did however waste my vote on the little general.
Dang it, bookkie!

Whaja hafta bring that up for?? Now I have to confess too. And I didn't even know us Shiite Baptists had confession!

Mikey (voted for Peerow too)

Jesus died on the cross for the sins of mankind and you are not beyond redemption.

No "Hail Marys" for you lad, buy one gun and 1000 rounds. With 100 rounds, sight it in. With the other 900, have 9 of your friends shoot it for fun for we learn in Proverbs, 24:6, "For by wise counsel thy shall wage thy war, and in multitude of counsel, there is safety."

BTW, I met an 800 once who told me he was Jesus Christ and that I was condemned to hell. I asked him if he died on the cross. "Yes." Did he die on the cross for the sins of man? "Yes" Am I a man? "Yes" Then you died on the cross for my sins and I'm saved! "#@*!" Gee, that was very unchristian like speech from the Christ.

[This message has been edited by 4V50 Gary (edited May 10, 1999).]
Now let me get this straight....
1) Your sorry
2) You didn't know
3) You denied it at first
4) Now you admit it, so its all okay
5) We live with your mistakes
6) You didn't mean for any one to get hurt

Well tell me mister I'm sorry, Did ya' do it for the children......
Should I go for the 2/3rd we need to get rid of ya'....... I must sleep on this one.....


[This message has been edited by RadarMan (edited May 10, 1999).]
Gary - I shall perform my duties as you describe.


1. Yes, I'm sorry.
2. I knew all along, just didn't have my head on right.
3. I never denied it.
4. I've learned from my mistakes, and converted several others.
5. At the time, I didn't consider it a mistake.
6. I thought I was right at the time - hence the thread name.

In addition to the penance assigned by "Father" Gary, I will continue to train my friends and their children to shoot, will continue to preach the truth about the Second Amendment and the rights of Man, and will continue to recruit members for the NRA, GOA, etc. I also pledge to purchase and become proficient with all types of arms, training and competing with same.

I shall atone for my sins....
Well, sir, I have had a restful sleep and have considered the appeal for forgivness. After an emergency family meeting at the breakfast table this A.M. I am compeled to post the following......
I, My wife and 11 year old daughter forgive, as forgiveness and repentance are brothers, your sins shall be blotted out of our minds.
My 8yr old daughter and 6 year old son said something to the effect of "tell him suffer".
My 4 year old and 2 year old sons said "more juice".
Carry On


I'm curious. Why did you support him? It was obvious from the first that the man had no integrity. Did you support him because he espoused principles (of which he obviously had none) near and dear to your heart?

I don't support the draft, never have, never will. I joined the Army when there was no draft and would have refused to fight with draftees. However, there is only one type of draft resister with whom I will voluntarily associate. The resister who went to prison for his beliefs is an honest man. The ones who ran to Canada or Sweden and the ones who found some other way to avoid the draft are scum. Bill Clinton did not go to prison over the draft.

The "I smoked marijuana but I didn't inhale."
Give me a break. This comment showed his infinite contempt for the intelligence of his supporters.

The signs were there. They were plain for anyone to see. (This is not 20/20 hindsight for I said the same at the time) So, what in the world possessed you to vote for this slime?
I believe that I was suffering from acute cranial-rectal inversion.

Seroiusly, though, I don't really know. Clinton is very charismatic, and most of my friends are liberal (I've brought a few with me!), and I really wasn't very politically aware. I foolishly swallowed what the media fed me.

My awakening came when I was laid up for a while (motorcycle racing accident) and started surfing the web and studying what was really going on. Aghast at what I was seeing, I became really disgusted - and here I am. I've always believed in individual freedom, but nobody was infringing on anything I was active in at the time, so I wasn't aware/didn't care. I also became more interested in firearms (I've owned guns for quite some time, but was never a part of the gun culture) which brought me into contact with people like TFLers, and made me realize I wasn't alone, which makes it easier to be outspoken, and corroborates my beliefs.

I think a lot of people are out there like I was - just living my life, unaware or uncaring of what goes on, as long as it doesn't directly effect them. Apathy abounds.
Ahh, but there's more. I've always thought that nobody should be able to tell me what to do, as long as I'm not hurting anyone else. The Republicans are characterized in the media as being bossy, almost fascist. Their typical anti-abortion stance really hurts them, I think, as it paints them as trying to control people. Unbeknownst to me (in my prior life), the Democrats are much worse in their attempts to control the people. Also, I'm not a religious man (long story), and I absolutely hate people who try to shove religion down my throat. The Republicans often try to do so. Looking at it now, at least they're sincere. When Klinton invokes religion, its just spin.

The public schools are culpable for some of my early attitude too. They try to teach the "I'm okay, you're okay, let's all hug" crap, and teach that government is here to take care of us and solve our problems. They do not teach self-reliance, self control, etc. I'm so glad my Dad is such a great man, or I'd have never awakened at all.

I'm kind of getting way outside of the scope of TFL now, so if anyone wants to continue this discussion, please e-mail me!

[This message has been edited by Morgan (edited May 13, 1999).]
I can't really point too many fingers, Morgan. I voted for Nixon in 1972 and then compounded it by voting for Carter in 1976. I had an epiphany during the Iranian hostage crisis and have voted Libertarian ever since.