Forget the Swiss and Japanese ,what about the Amish


New member
Nearly every discussion about gun violence involves a comment from an anti about how Japanese society is so much better off because of the absence of guns. This is usually countered by a pro gunner with a comment about the Swiss and their manditory gun ownership policies. I would prefer to stay here in the US and use the example of the Amish. All or nearly all Amish own guns. Their kids learn to use them at an early age yet you never hear of an Amish shooting. Three factors set the Amish apart in my mind. 1) They keep their families,relatives and friends together and offer strong support to one another. 2) They are religious and their lives are structured around that faith. 3) They don't get exposed to television,movies,radio, etc. I don't believe that any one thing is responsible for the present state of our country but I think that we could learn a lot from the Amish.

[This message has been edited by ATTICUS (edited August 06, 1999).]
I agree, strong family values and faith make for good people.

But trying to get a modern American liberal to embrace the ideas of family, responsibility and commitment is like trying to get an Amish man to embrace network computing. No matter how strong your arguments are for bettering their lives... they will have none of it!

The Amish revere personal responsibility. The goal of the Liberal is to rid themselves of all responsibility. I'm not trying to sound pessimistic. I think it's a great argument and I plan and using it as much as I can. Thanks!
Anyone know what kind(s) of gun(s) the Swiss people usually own? Do they pay for the guns themselves, or does the government provide them? Are they also required to learn how to use them?
Every Swiss male citizen gets to take home a Sig 550 rifle, magazines and ammo. If you want to see one, go to a train station when they're called up. Swiss soliders will stack arms and walk away for coffee.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
My Amish drive-by joke has been stolen, so I'll tell you the only other Amish joke I know. First however, I have nothing but respect for their beliefs, especially in today's society. Most people could learn a lot from the Amish regarding respect for each other, the land, and God.

Here it goes:

One night, an Amish man hears a noise downstairs. He got out of bed and walked to the door in his nighshirt and nightcap. Peering down the stairs, he saw a man stuffing the family silver into a pillowcase. He quickly grabbed his old double barreled shotgun from the corner and cocked the hammers. At the sound, the burglar froze. The man said, "I would not harm thee friend for all the world, but thou art standing where I am about to shoot!" The next sound heard was the sack of silver hitting the floor and running feet!!

Personal weapons are what raised mankind out of the mud, and the rifle is the queen of personal weapons. The possession of a good rifle, as well as the skill to use it well, truly makes a man the monarch of all he surveys.
-- Jeff Cooper, The Art of the Rifle
Dorsai, I heard that one as a Quaker joke. Speaking of Quaker jokes, did you hear the one about the Quaker (they are supposed to be nonviolent) whose milk cow kept kicking over the bucket and stepping on his toes? Finally, in exasperation, he said to her, "Thou knowest that I cannot hit thee, but doest thou knowest I can sell thee to a Baptist?"

But, guys, in all seriousness, I don't know much about the Amish. What I don't understand is, if they can't use internal combustion engines, how can they use firearms? Does anyone know?
A firearm is an ancient device, and tool...

A car - well - its Devil's Spawn...

Especially when your under the hood! Nothing gets me cursing up a storm like my Caprice! Going to sell that d@mn thing one of these days...
But dang BOY! When she's running... Thank you Virginia State Police!

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

The Amish have been the object of jokes by the GDP (general dumb public) for a long time. The stock loving, beer guzzling, baywatch loving masses, couldnt understand why a group of people would want to live separate from the wonderful power grids. The Amish people knew the dependence on electricity would make Them dependent on outside forces including Uncle Samuel. And now,with y2k on the murkey horizon, these wonderful people can probably go about their business without fear of the lights being turned off. But I am hearing that the government would come in and seize their farms in a emergency. This would be pathetic if it occurs but I dont put it past the feds to brutalize another group who only wishes to live separate from the masses.